PDF w/174 WBTS scans comparing lies and revisions of JW "truth"...limited time only!!!

by middleman 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • middleman

    Nick!.......here's some links to check out-ones that will be added to my PDF. I'm still looking for more (sorry none show Barry or Circo-nevertheless reps were still at the meetings) that show the participation of Bethel at official UN functions, made possible only as an associated NGO.




    Scroll down and use control F for Association of Jehovah's Witnesses, European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses for the Protection of Religious Freedom, and Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia.


    Barry and Circo's name in the DPI handbook-showing them as the main reps between the WBTS and the UN.

    I hope this helps..........I'll keep looking...


  • middleman

    More info for Nick on this website (as seen below) http://www.thirdwitness.com/UN/www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/followingittotheletter.html

    "There's more to it than a “library card!

    Some have uncovered records of Watchtower representatives attending a conference on the holocaust for NGOs. They quote this as “proof” that Bethel was “lying” and that there was really more to their NGO membership that merely a “library card”. On the contrary, such a conference is exactly the kind of facility requiring DPI NGO status. Conferences on subjects such as the holocaust are part of the “extensive library facilities” on offer by the DPI to representatives of it's NGOs. The idea that the Society signed up just for a “library card” is actually a phrase invented by apostates on the Internet, the Society did not coin the expression as it is misleading and inaccurate — which was probably the reason apostates invented it in the first place."

    Going to these confrences look a wee lil bit more involved than just the "sole purpose" of using the libary.

  • jwfacts

    thanks, you have included a lot of great research.

  • cabasilas


    The audio of the Franz talk on 1975 can be found here:


  • Nick!

    Thank you Middleman for the additional information.
    As you say, they don't explicitly support the statement that those two named representatives actually attended the meetings, but others, possibly in their name, have.

    If you don't find any supporting evidence, suggest that you change your statement in your .pdf document.
    Not doing so may raise unnecessary expectations and, more importantly, be a reason to discredit the whole excellent material you have put together with a lot of effort and time.

    By the way, don't forget to let us know if you update your important document.

    Keep the good work going, but don't exaggerate, the family first my friend!

    Thanks again for putting your material at our disposal.


  • middleman

    Nick! (and for anyone else that wants it) here's the edit for what you requested below (from page 17)...

    2. Mr. Gillies also said the sole (in English meaning only) purpose of the association was for
    “getting access to the extensive library”.

    This statement is not telling the full story either. It has been documented that after the WBTS
    was granted association status, they were seen attending various UN/governmental related
    hearings/meetings/conferences that required ground clearance. To see an example CLICK
    http://www.unhchr.ch/huridocda/huridoca.nsf/0/66cf0523c6217c4b802567cc002f8b0e?OpenDocument (Search for Association of Jehovah's Witnesses, European Association of
    Jehovah's Witnesses for the Protection of Religious Freedom
    , and Jehovah's Witnesses in
    ) and HEREhttp://www.aph.gov.au/hansard/joint/commttee/j2444.pdf (Search
    ).This pass is issued only to the UN's associated members not just anyone. Two
    Bethel members that were listed as representatives were W. L. Barry (Governing Body member)
    and Circo Aulicino (as can be seen in this UN registry CLICK HERE-------------------------->
    http://www.randytv.com/secret/alphalist334.jpg ). Now, say I gave my friend a ride home from
    work and drop him off at his house. Before I leave, I ask him to briefly use his bathroom and
    then I'm on my way. After using it he finds me sitting in his family room eating his food,
    drinking his wine, playing his XBOX, and listening to music. How does my credibly look to
    him after my extended “field trip”? Obviously I had ulterior motives don't you think? Also to
    note is that there are over 400 UN depository libraries in over 140 countries-where anyone can
    get official UN related documents/material for research purposes. To see the list from the UN
    website CLICK HERE-->http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/deplib/countries/ (4 are listed in NYC)

  • oompa

    DANG IT!.....i tried and tried to download this the other day and it would not......kept saying it had, but nadda.......now it is gone....how can i get this?....can somebody e-mail it to me or pm it?...thanks.....oompa

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Oompa, I would be happy to email it to you; PM me your address.


  • V

    Would love to have this as well

    [email protected]


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    OK folks, I have the file on my computer but it's too large to email. I will see if I can chop it in half and send it in two parts.

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