In the sense that they can be either a discentive to work,or the cost of welfare increases every year, which theoritically can't go on for ever.
Are all welfare systems flawed?;badboy's economic theory/ theories
by badboy 13 Replies latest jw friends
It depends on the people. In some countries, everyone would make it a goal to get on the welfare system, and it would collapse. Here, in canada, it is working. We seem to be in better shape, right now, than the us, w its capitalist meltdoown. The present american capitalism doesn't seem to be working. It needs a little tweeking.
Lady Lee
A single person on welfare in Ontario Canada who lives in subsidized housing something like 409$ a month to survive on. (as of 2005)
Not much incentive there if you ask me.
Some provinces give a bit more some give less. Moving from one province to another is discouraged and habitual movers are put on a bus and sent back where they came from.
Is the system flawed? In some ways yes.
There are people who use the system. But there are far more who really need it.
The income provided is far far below the cost of living, affecting morale and health. More and more people are relying on food banks to help stretch their food dollars. People with medical problems cannot always get all their medication paid for. So they have to decide between meds and food or hydro which in the winter means heat.
Welfare=taking care of those who cannot care for themselves=GOOD
Welfare=taking care of those who will not care for themselves=BADEasy huh?
Taking care of your self=3B2Ba house and and Escalade with spinners on welfare=BAD
Taking care of yourself=the best you can afford and public transport/1978 chevy chevette=YOU HAVE ALL THE RESPECT I CAN GIVE -
Welfare in this country keeps people from starving on the streets. Most of them suppliment their income, somehow; selling drugs, working under the table, prostitution, use food banks, double up in occupancy, or something. We certainly aren't strictly socialist, and welfare benefits such as providing medication or dental has been cut back somewhat. We are a mix of socialist and capitalist. The universal health care certainly helps out a lot, and not just those on welfare, but the gainfully employed, as well.
Welfare in this country keeps people from starving on the streets bullshit buddy. theres lotsa rabbits and stuff to kill. a moose would feed a hooker for a good month. I dont buy this welfare crap. they make you think you are helpless but you really arent. Naw you might not can have a sleepnumber bed and high speed internet. but thats far from starving.
Taking care of your self=3B2Ba house and and Escalade with spinners on welfare=BAD
Taking care of yourself=the best you can afford and public transport/1978 chevy chevette=YOU HAVE ALL THE RESPECT I CAN GIVEI've seen this too. Several people in one house all claiming "Head of Household" using somebody'd else's address to get their benefits and driving brand new cars, and keeping their nails and hair PERFECT while I worked my ass off to make the mortgage and buy food.
'theres lotsa rabbits and stuff to kill. a moose would feed a hooker for a good month.'
I haven't heard of any rabbits or moose in montreal, but there are a few hookers. Lots of cats and dogs, though.
cats and dogs... taste like shit but you can eat it mate.