How do you go from hatred of the WBTS to indifference to it.

by easyreader1970 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    Right now I am filled with burning hatred towards the WBTS. Not just to what it has done to me and my family but to people all over the world. I want to see nothing but the governing body exposed as the charlatans that they are and for all to see the great evil that is the WBTS. I am further incensed by the fact that it is untouchable. How does an organization get to be this way? It's like being angry at the United States government. You can hate it all you want, but it is what it is and it will keep doing what it's doing and there isn't anything you can do to stop it. There isn't anything a hundred can do to stop it. Or a thousand. It's a mountain.

    I know there are many people (some on this forum) who make videos about it on youtube. They're wonderful and I hope that at least one person has been forced to think by maybe accidentally stumbling across one of them. I'd make videos myself if there wasn't the fear that someone would identify my voice. But deep down it would only serve some self-satisfying purpose. It wouldn't hurt the WBTS. If news stories about pedophilia hasn't done them any harm, nothing will. (Of course, a JW will tell you that this is proof that they ARE God's organization because of their untouchableness).

    I want to hurt them. But I can't. So how do I go from wanting to remove this scourge from the face of the earth to just happily accepting its vile existence and moving on.

  • purplesofa

    I want to hurt them. But I can't. So how do I go from wanting to remove this scourge from the face of the earth to just happily accepting its vile existence and moving on.

    First you have to move on.

  • isaacaustin

    channel that bitterness/hatred toward helping. Help those who know nothing of the org to know the org for what it is- thus you are innoculating otherwise naive people. Perhaps help some who are beginning to question. It can be a daunting, disappointing goal to help active JWs see the light- and probably a very low success rate.

  • SixofNine

    Well honestly I don't know that I believe "indifference" to the WBTS is a good thing.

    It is, however, the place I find myself. I actually have to work to regain a little of my passionate dislike for the WTBS, because I think that is the more appropriate state.

    But to answer your question directly: take a look at the world around you. The WBTS is a tiny fish in a big pond. They aren't the only bad religion, nor even the worst (though I think they're right up there ). Other organizations (like political orgs) affect and hurt many more people than does the WT. Other religions have just as, or even more, wacky beliefs. Some (like me) would even say that belief in the bible having a supernatural source is wacky.

  • AllTimeJeff

    This has been a big struggle for me. Frankly, it is my goal to just simply state that I used to be a JW, and thats it. But as of now, I can't.

    Thus, I have no good answers, but this subject is on my mind constantly..... I wish I knew... I can't say I feel rage, or even anger, but I definitely am not indifferent about it either.

  • cameo-d

    As long as WT doctrines still have the potential to affect your life you cannot be indifferent!

    If you would like to attend a family function which includes both JWs and non-JWs and you find that some arrogant JW bouncer tells you that you cannot come or they tell you to leave because of your religious cannot be indifferent because they are still excerising control over your life and your freedom of movement and freedom of thought, and freedom of religion.

    As long as they are infringing on your basic human rights and causing alienation of affection among your family, how can you be indifferent?

    The WT doctrines have long arms.

    Something must be done to bring about a change and put this to a halt.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Eventually you will reach the point where you feel at least, a greater indifference toward them than you do today.

    I feel less hatred than I did 6 months ago, and far less than I did 4 years ago. But still, at moments, I would like to burst through the doors of the local KH and yell at the top of my lungs my absolute anger for the damage they have done to me and my family. But not as often as I used to.

    I liken it to the aftereffects of divorce. It takes time to dissipate. Some of it hangs around for a longer time. Some minor amount of anger might still be there as you lay on your deathbed. One would hope not. But when one has devoted years, or decades, to a cause that is proven to be an elaborate hoax, it might be impossible to ever fully erase the pain.

    Moving on is a good answer from a previous poster. Once you move forward, that in the past looses impact. Your focus changes.

    You have realized a key point - The Watchtower is a mountain! It will not kicked apart like a molehill. That realization is important. It will prevent the incorrect assumption that you can play any significant part in bringing it down. You can quit wasting energy in a futile attempt to do that, and spend that energy in positive, forward moving, activity.

    In the meantime - vent that rage here. We understand and empathize, and at times share the same frustrations.



  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I agree, it's not easy. I'm not there yet either.

    IMO the best thing to do is to use that energy to expose the WT for what it is and help protect as many as possible from it.

  • jaguarbass

    Genetics, being blessed with genes that allow you to shrug off your problems and keep trucking

    like the energizer bunny.

    If you didnt get the genes, Time, lots of water over the damn.

    Make a web page and expose them, spend your time attracting people to your web

    page, after a while, you will find you have more important things to do.

    Go to the gym and exercise that will make you tired and burn away your stress.

    I've been out since 83.

    I get mad when I reflect that I am in my present situation because of the JW's.

    That happens pretty often.

    But I spread my anger around to my mother and father who neglected their responsibility

    in raising me and gave it to a pulp publishing company.

    My fathers dead, my mother lives 1200 miles away and is basically brain dead.

    But I say that about all Jw's.

  • Quandry

    It takes lessens, but I don't think it ever goes completely away......I feel that coming here helps.....welcoming new ones and telling them they are not alone helps me. Encouraging others to reach their potential helps me....I hope that you continue to fight to live a good life, and find happiness. Don't let them take any more of your life.

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