Hello old friend Minimus - I'm in. I was in, then very critical, then sort of a "Staffordian", and now? In - in the sense that I am very much sticking with the Bible, defending what is defendable from a Bible viewpoint, and letting all the other stuff and all the other personalities mind their own business. I am living my own life, I am not vocal about certain things; I am talking about things I can defend and keeping quiet about other things, and I do not allow other people to influence me or be important to me. I slip slide away from certain things and I am vocal and talkative about purely Bible "stuff". I comment eagerly at the Bible reading, occationally on other topics and rarely on topics I do not approve of.
And, Minimus, old friend - I survive, I survive, and I have found my space where I can keep my conscience clean.
Want to know more? Or is it OK?
Take care, TOH