To the thousands

by IP_SEC 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    Of people that croaked today.
    Tho celebrities you were not
    I raise my last beer and say 'hey'
    And pour a bit out on the ground

    Tho you not have millions of mourners
    You are just as important as they are
    As the billions and billions of rotters
    Heres your thread, you are a star

  • dinah


    Countless other people lost their mom, wife, daughter today.

  • IP_SEC

    I can only hope that the last two words ever spoke of James Matthew Foster are: "So what?"

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yes, seems as though celebrity gets notice, while far deeper suffering and painful death affects the poor/faceless masses.

    Each life is important. Even celebrity lives.


  • IP_SEC

    humans have been croaking for hundreds of thousands of years. A celeb goes tits up and everyone wants to mourn and identify them. GW Bush could keel over and Beks would be sorry for the family. (Not picking on her just an example) Yet a dozen humans die in your own area and you dont even know, couldnt care less.

    Good grief the angst is chapping my ass redder than a 20 dollar whore sitting on a depot stove.

  • Chalam

    Dude this thread made me feel better, I was having a bad day before that!

    All the best,


  • ohiocowboy

    Th thing with certain celebrities though, is that they seem like they are part of our family. When watching TV, they are in our homes, and they share their lives with us. When we are feeling bad, we turn on the TV, and they are there to cheer us up. When we are happy, they are there to share our joy. Even though they are in a 2 dimensional box, we get used to seeing them. Natasha provided me joy when watching Parent Trap, I saw it a couple times when I was feeling down, and seeing her act, and seeing her prettiness made me feel better.

    Celebrities, especially Actors, Can be an intregal part of our lives.

    Ippy, you are a Goof!!!

  • IP_SEC
    Celebrities, especially Actors, Can be an intregal part of our lives.

    alright, i'll grant you... thats just creepy.

  • IP_SEC
    Ippy, you are a Goof!!!

    Thats creepier!!! ya bastard!! lol

  • JimmyPage

    I'm sure some of the non-celebrities had nice asses as well.

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