I got counseled for talking about Mexico

by JimmyPage 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    I have an in-law who lives in Mexico. Not too long ago a dub asked how he was doing. As we talked, I related my in-law's story about how recently in Mexico the cops cracked down on the drug dealers. Then the drug dealers cracked down on the cops, beheading many of them. I was then counseled by the dub to be careful not to have opinions on these kind of things. WTF? I didn't even express an opinion. All I did was relate the facts of the matter.

    Only in WT-Land.

  • JimmyPage

    Well, Jimmy, since you and I appear to be the only ones up, perhaps you should refer these dubs to an article in the latest Rolling Stone entitled "The Making of a Narco State".

  • JimmyPage

    That's a good article, Page. I talked to a workmate recently who mentioned the same things about Mexico that you did. He's afraid to vacation there now.

  • JimmyPage

    Hey will you two numb nuts keep it down? People are trying to sleep.

  • PanzerZauberei


    I love the back and forth between the pagey's! You are very right about not giving an opinion on it. Since when is relating facts sharing an opinion? What a doosh.

  • JimmyPage

    I hear someone, Jimmy! I don't think we're alone anymore.

  • JimmyPage

    Apparently, Page, the outgoing head of the CIA said that the threat of a narco state in Mexico is one of the gravest dangers to American security, on a par with a nuclear-armed Iran.

  • shopaholic

    Jimmy...that wasn't an opinion...anything to protect the org.

    Anyway, some american witnesses are also running into trouble with the law in mexico. Something about they are not to do house-to-house work but its okay to conduct bible studies. Don't have any additional details.

  • JimmyPage

    If I really wanted to upset them I could have talked about the double standard the WT had for Mexico and Malawi. But I digress.

  • JimmyPage

    It's been said that the government has three choices when it comes to drug policy:

    1. Pretending to enforce the law even as officials profit from the drug trade.

    2. Pursue the path of military confrontation. Or

    3. Legalize. (You said the "L" word!) Many experts believe this could actually end the drug trade.

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