June 15 Study Watchtower now on jw.org

by dozy 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dozy

    Notably contains an article on "The Faithful Steward and it's Governing Body". Only skimmed over the account , but it seems to cover a number of bases - eg

    Anointed individuals are not to think they are above "God's channel"

    Paul & Barnabus got their authority from the GB.

    Although the cong judges , it is actually the elders who represent them.

    Unusually it references Lukes account about the "faithful steward" which the WTS rarely links with Mt 24:45 (to the extent that there are no cross references in the NWT from Matthew).


  • sir82
    Anointed individuals are not to think they are above "God's channel"

    Wait a minute - according to official JW doctrine, anointed individuals ARE "God's channel".

    Sounds like another brick in the road leading up to a change in doctrine - that the "faithful and discreet slave" is the Governing Body, not the "remnant of anointed ones on earth" (currently numbering about 10,000).

  • leavingwt
  • SnakesInTheTower

    I see they have another article rehashing the "gift of singleness." (How to Find Joy in the Gift of Singleness)


    Snakes (of the "not bitter at all" Sheep Class)

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality

    Wow. This is what many have been waiting for, but it's interesting to hear the explanation.

    Listen to the opening comments, and conflicted reasoning. This is the setup for the Governing Body to become the Servant/Steward appointed by Jesus while the "domestics" (all the other "annointed") and other sheep get lumped together.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    They have always tried to elevate the status of the GB, for as long as I can remember. This is really nothing new, in my opinion.

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality

    The elevation of the GB has reached new heights (along with minimizing the domestics and great crowd) in this article. The article presents new reasoning and concepts on this matter. For example, it makes a point about how only 8 individuals were responsible for writing the New Testament and links the role of the apostles to that of GB.

  • wobble

    Paul and Barnabus got their authority from the GB? What scriptural proof do they offer for this?



  • Gladring

    I gave this article a quick listen. It will be much easier to analyse when in print, but I do agree that it represents a greater stress on the GB. Even the title of the article - The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body - makes this clear. In one of the opening paragraphs the article says that the steward is appointed over other slaves, but is a slave itself. This (to my mind) relegates the "slave class" to the same level as the great crowd, whilst insisting that the "slave" has a governing body.

    This is more of the heavy mind control we should expect from the kool aid edition.

  • isaacaustin

    Paul and Barnabus got their authority from the GB? What scriptural proof do they offer for this?

    I am sure this will be prefaced with "it is reasonable to beleive..."....LOL

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