Which Kingdom Melody was it?

by sacolton 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    There is one song from the Kingdom Melody that is a blatant rip-off of Queens "Lazying on a Sunday Afternoon". Which one was it and who has the lyrics?


  • jws

    Most of the songs in the "new" (84?) song book came from the 60's song book. And there was probably a song book before that that the 60's songs came from.

    So who "borrowed" from who? And wasn't it the Kinks that did it?

  • donny

    Wow! Someone else who has heard "Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon!" Great song even though it's quite short.

  • donny

    Don't you just miss singing "from house to house, from door to door?"

  • sacolton

    Ugh. That's the one.

    How about ...

    As Je-ho-vah's peo-ple sound thru-out the earth Truths a-bout the

    King-dom, of such price-less worth. The-o-cra-tic or-der

    they must all o-bey. And re-main u-ni-ted, loy-al-ty dis-play.

    Loy-al sub-miss-ion in rec-og-ni-tion , This to our God we owe

    He gives pro-tec-tion ten-der aff-ec-tion, Loy-al-ty to him we show.

  • villabolo

    Men make gods of wood and stone

    But the true one they've not known

    ....We're Jehovah's witnesses

    And now my version:

    We make gods of pulp and print

    but of truth we have no hint

    Such is our Jehovah

    Demon god of old

    Other gods are deaf and dumb

    Ours is blind as well you see. . .

    We're Jehovah's witlesses

    We speak out in mindlessness

    Ours is the god of false prophecy

    What he foretells comes to naught

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