Ages 0-16: A solid 2. Always had questions about the faithful and discret slave, the "true religion" before Russell, the plausibility of a deity simply being there forever and the reasons God would have to kill as many people as he did in the OT (I know the reasons why, but I just didn't see the logic). I probably had more doubts about the bible than I did the Society, but I would have unequivocally given myself as a martyr to God or the Societies interpretation of Him. I wasn't a kid who simply went to meeting "because I had to". While they were obviously boring, I felt the spiritual payoff of being in "Jehovah's house" was well worth it.
Ages 16-18: 2-6 in a very precipitous manner, though my faith in God went up to a 1. Found the net, read the Ray Franz, Jim Penton and Carl Olof Jonsson books. Couldn't believe what I was finding out about the Society, but they pushed me to it since it began to bother me that they were against Witnesses reading literature that they did not sanction. If there was nothing to hide, then why the secrecy? I determined that I didn't really need religion as much I needed a relationship with God.
Ages 18-present: Began investigating the bible and my actual belief system. Up to that time had only used the net to investigate JW theology, but began looking into Christanity as well. Now I'm in the process of redefining my belief system, as I don't think Christanity is "special" anymore. Since I still live home with my parents, I still make appearances at meetings, but they both know I'm not very enthusiatic about it. They probably think I'm just going through some late adolescence "worldly phase", but are quite oblivious to the facts. Once I leave their house, there's no way I'm setting foot in a Kingdom Hall again, though.
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!