With the many threads surfacing here focusing on internet access opening eyes of beleivers and the unsuccessful D2D work, how many do you think really know the truth and are just going with the motions? And if so, what is there reasoning? Family, freinds, etc..
Do you think JW's really know the "Truth" about the "Truth"?
by Quirky1 28 Replies latest jw friends
I dont think many do, I woke up about November of 2008. Before that I still bought it for the most part. I was born in, so I never compared what traditional Christianity teaches vs what WT teaches. I'm not talking about things like trinity or hellfire, cuz certainly those are debatable.
But I didn't have any understanding of what the mediator means, or what being born again is. I never really questioned 144k, just thought about petting panda bears in the new system. I think the new system concept distracts so many from really thinking about what the message is that Jesus preached, the kingdom of the heavens.
I dont think too many go through the motions for an extended period of time, they find a way to fade. I think back to a few that disappeared over the last few years, and now I know what happened.
Up until last summer, it never crossed my mind that this isn't "the truth". Now that I've learned what I have, I can't believe there aren't more leaving the org due to at the very least doubts about their ever-changing doctrines and false prophecies. For people who lived through 1975, or even those who were old enough to realize the significance of the 1995 generation teaching change, I don't know how they can keep supporting it.
My wife and I both feel there are plenty of people like me who stay associated and stay somewhat involved because they don't want to lose family members, even though they know the WTS is full of BS.
I was once a JW.
I believed it 100%.
I left, almost immediately, upon discovering that I had been misled.
choosing life
I still have family in and I see the mental barrier still in place that prevents them from waking up. It is easy to dismiss doubts or confusing doctrines as long as you truly believe you have a ticket to paradise.
There are some still going through the motions for family even on here, but they are mentally out. Dismayed speaks of "waking up" and that it exactly how it feels when the illusion is shattered.
With the greatest of respect, Do you think that any religious person knows the 'Truth' about the religion that they believe is 'the Truth'?
When first leaving the dubs I thought their angle was wrong. Then I discovered the roots of religion and then.....the purpose of religion and finally why people had the need to continue to deceive themselves and allow themselves to be deceived........a LIE and above all a FEAR!
The inability to be honest with oneself primarily leaves the majority of the world population trapped in an untrue and unhelpful agony of servitude.
But you can never challenge a religous person. They must always be permitted the luxury of waking up themselves and only then do they begin to grow and at that point begin to live.
Some people dont know the truth.
Some people think its the truth.
Especially those that are new to it, with the world condition they are probably convinced
we are in the last days and armegedon is just around the corner.
I dont believe its the truth but I have a concern that an Armegedon like event could
occur in the next 10 years.
And if it does I still would call the JW's false prophets.
Because the world has had great wars and great disasters and killng and murder
and genocide and mass extinction thru out history.
Homerovah the Almighty
I sense there is an awakening going on with many JWS that there is something a bit untruthful about the organization in general.
It may be due to the information on net that is both quite damaging revealing and that in itself may have stimulated some cooling off
of some their prescribed programming of as late.
But one shouldn't expect realistically that the faith is starting to self destruct based solely on this, as long as the support and money
keeps flowing to the boys in Brooklyn they'll be around indefinitely.
100 years of strident commercialization by a religious group doesn't collapse over night.
Its one hell of a con job and the people at the top know its worth hanging on to or to them it would be considered
an absolute must.
I have no brief to defend the JWs appalling belief system, but in my view, their kind of closed-mindedness is endemic in other religions or belief systems as well.There have been exposes by ex-members on almost any belief system you care to mention - even fundamentalist, "back-the-the-Bible"home-based groups. Yet the morons - sorry, the members, keep believing and following like so many fluffy sheep. Active brain cells and membership in religious belief systems don't go together. At some point, you have to also close your own mind if you choose to stay.
QUIRKY- I would say that 99.9 percent of Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT know the truth about the alleged " truth " . They are all under the influence of cult mind control and are being duped. Oh sure, some may have doubts however - if they speak out loud about those doubts they will be ostracized and condemned by other rank and file witnesses as leaning toward " apostate " thinking. So the average witness is controlled by the WT society cult through " fear " and " guilt " to not HAVE those doubts. They are falsely told that if they have doubts - it's because " Satan " is deceiving them and it's dangerous to have doubts and it's a bad thing that will lead them to destruction at Armageddon !
Do you know how corny that sounds to us outsiders who AREN'T cult mind controlled ? But to a mind controlled witness - they are serious as moonlight about believing the threat of being destroyed ! They are extremely superstitious people who TOTALLY believe that God is the WT society. Yes many witnesses stay in because of family and friends - but most of them are still cult mind controlled . They just don't realize it. They are all being conned