For Animal lovers....

by restrangled 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    My dog has been destroying with his teeth a part of a wood deck for months. Digging and biting....

    Tonight I decided to replace these boards, I took out the screws and could hear growling underneath...there is not that much room between the ground and the deck.

    I ran and got a flash light to shine in between the boards. In the middle was a grey coat.

    To one side was a large pink nose. To the other, at least, 8 pink noses and 16 curious little black eyes looking up between the boards at my flash light.

    I know a lot of people don't like these animals, but a Mama Opossum and her little babies are pretty cute. They don't and can't carry rabies. I stuffed down some dry cat food in between the boards.

    I hope the little sweeties survive.


  • PEC

    Remember they are wild animals, they need to be relocated to a safe place away from people.


  • restrangled

    Hey Pec,

    We have a lot of wild life here. Opossums tend to be one of our big backyard residents. They have their babies and move on. I don't mind really as they are the cleaner uppers of the neighborhood ...and tend not to be long lived. They only come out at night, and for some reason are not very afraid of humans.

    Unless I get them trapped, they can't be relocated. What I am not crazy about is raccoons because they carry rabies. I'll let this little family be, and hope my dog doesn't get them before they can move on.

    He considers anything on 4 legs in the yard vermin!


  • quietlyleaving

    nice privilige restrangled - thanks for sharing.


  • sammielee24

    I love possums. We used to get them coming to the door and eating from the cat food dishes...we never had any problems with them - we moved the food and they wandered away. Another of natures beautiful creatures.....sammieswife.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I hate possums. If you have chickens, they won't last long.

  • Snoozy

    I didn't know they didn't carry rabies...thanks for the info..

    All I ever saw at night was a low shiney thing moving slowly accross my back yard. I was safely enclosed in my screened in porch..


  • jaguarbass

    I get the opposums in my yard here in Florida and they dig big holes.

    But I leave them be.

    I'm glad to here they dont carry rabies.

  • Decided

    When I was a boy living out in the country I would catch some in the rabbit trap. I would let them go but a lot of people ate them. With food prices going up and the jobs being lost they may be in danger again.

    Ken P.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    You shouldn't feed them, then you can't get rid of them. When there is more then One, they will fight and kill.

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