There are easier and surer roads to wealth and/or power than starting a religion. It was a gamble. If it had not worked out, he probably would still have not come to poverty. I think he believed in his crackpot ideas and wanted to spread them far and wide. But by the time they were spread, they no longer bore much resemblance to his original ideas.
Did Russell waste his millions starting the Watchtower?
by Witness 007 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It would be interesting to check out as much as possible the theory that Russell was being directed and assisted by the judeomasons in forming the the WTS. A lot of the meetings of the JWs or Bible students were held in masonic temples in the early days. Russell used a lot of masonic symbols and he is buried in a masonic cemetery. Imagine this being done by an organisation that acccuses christian religions of being satanic and pagan based. Free masonry at its heart is THE pagan religion if there ever was one, a mixture of ancient mystery religions, talmudic (not old testament) judaism and satanism.
In the 1920's American judeomasons admitted that they were in league with Rutherford and the WTS supporting them financially and using them to undermine christianity ie catholicism and protestantism. It was one of the numerous organisations, many of them occultic, set up at the time by free masonry in general, to viciously demolish christianity. Recall that calling Jesus "Lord" means prompt expulsion from the WTS and that's a massive clue as to who they really are. The apostles called Jesus Lord very often in the New Testament books.
So there may be more than just Russell deciding to establish the WTS entirely on his own money and initiative.
Homerovah the Almighty
In the 1920's American judeomasons admitted that they were in league with Rutherford and the WTS supporting them financially
I'd like to see the information on that if you know where I can find that Greendawn.
Russell's ideological association with the Great Pyramid, which we know is entwined in the Mason's ideology,
his familiar use of symbolisms of which the Freemason used and his actual burial right adjacent to a Mason cemetery
and of course his talks given at Freemason halls, all puts speculation of just how close he was in to this group.
I've read somewhere too that his father was also a Mason of the 33 degree variety so they evidence lays a interesting tract of his involvement
with the Masons. It would be interesting to find out if Connelly who was the first president of the WTS was also involved with the Masons,
if my memory serves me correctly he was the major share holder over of which Charles and his father held.
The Masons could have played had a partial role in formulated and structuring his own deceive direction against Christendom.
Irregardless of his association with the Masons it is clear he was trying to promote himself as a modern day prophet spiritually directed
of course by the man upstairs, who just happen to own and head a publishing company, what a coincidence.......or maybe not.
"He didn't have kids so he left the society to the next guy to take over and oddly enough Rutherford was the next guy."
As I remember, Russell intended McMillan to be the next guy but Rutherford usurped his position, and McMillan gave in.
:His divorce appeal hearing in 1907 revealed interesting company called Solon Society which if I understand correctly sold journal through WT - I don't know too much more about it at present.
It was more like a catalog. The Solon Society bought stuff like clothes in bulk and sold them. Russell even stuffed the WT magazine with the Solon catalog to promote it. As you stated, he lied about his involvement with it until he was caught.
Russell was every bit a fraud and a scumbag. The way he treated his own wife during the divorce speaks volumes about the man.
Homerovah the Almighty
From all the information about Russell, one could easily conclude he was nothing but a ruthless , conniving businessman
who manipulated and exploited people to their fullest extent.
After realizing how and what laid the foundation of what evolved into the WTS today, the pieces to the puzzle create a clear
and understandable picture.
Ok name 10 millionaires that were alive at the turn of the last century... Heck even billionaires! Most people couldn't do it, the VAST majority of people could' do it. I would guess that better than 95% of people couldn't do it! If you extend that out worldwide I would say it would go to over 99%!
Ok so out of 7 billion people maybe 7-10 million could name 10 of the big movers and shakers at the turn of the century... Ok so now eliminate everyone who has over say 10 million in total assets and name 10 run of the mill millionaires from the turn of the century. Now we're down to a few thousand people who could name 10 just run of the mill average millionaires from around 1900.
Now we have Russel, every single JW worldwide can tell you what he did and a few 'general facts' about him. So that is 7 million. However so can all the XJW's out there so we'll call that an additional 10 million and then there are all the fools who studied who would know the name so lets call that another 30 million.
Yes I totally pulled those numbers out of my ass but I think they would be pretty close. So 100 years later 50ish million people know who he was... Not a bad way to spend your money!
Ps How many people know who started Kmart???
Buy stock in the WTBS now!!
Homerovah, that interesting information linking the WTS to the American Judeomasons (bnai brith) was presented by Springmeier in a book he wrote after an extensive study of Russell, the WTS and its connections with Jewish and Masonic circles.
It came up in a court case in Switzerland in the 1920's where the accused presented a letter from the American Judeomasons to those in Switzerland and it mentions that the WTS was being funded by them and used to undermine Christianity and was requesting of them to create favourable conditions for Rutherford during his visit there.
You should be able to find that book in its electronic form and download it if you google "watchtower and the masons fritz springmeier"
The fact that a lot of jewish money went into the WTS is in agreement with the fact that Russell was very strongly pro jewish and endevoured for a Jewish home in Palestine. And of course we have the clearly judaising nature of the WTS which expels and shuns those calling Jesus Lord and talks of itself as the organisation of jehovah rather than the church of Christ denying just like the Jews that Jesus is the central person in the new economy. That jehovah left everything in the hands of Jesus and basically departed from the scene.
It may well be proved one day that the judeomasons are secretly running the WTS and exploiting its revenue and the GB are just a front that conceals their presence there.
As for masonry it is no doubt at its heart a satan worshipping, fiercely antichristian organisation steeped in occultism but few low level masons know that masonic writers like the two self admitted major satanists Albert Pike and Manley Palmer Hall have shamelessly revealed that satan is the god that they and masonry worship and serve.