What would like to tell the elders that you knew?
If You Could & Still Attended, What Suggestions Would You Give The Elders?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
Nothing that I didn't already tell them........they either know already and aren't doing anything, or tried and were removed or punched down.
It is an illusion to think that the elders control much.
After about 30 seconds of consideration, I concluded my suggestions should not be posted on a public discussion board.
keyser soze
That they stop being such douchebags.
Luo bou to
Waste of breath They wouldn't listen
Nathan Natas
My suggestion to these "princes of the earth" is that they can bite me.
I'd tell them to chill out and not take themselves too seriously.
I would say them to chose between the Governing Body and the truth in different issues. Infact they are giving more worship, devotion, faithfulness to the Organization and it's Governing Body than Jehovah God. That is what I would like to tell them all.
To read 1 Thessalonians 4:11 and apply it to themselves in all aspects of life...