Pecking order of Memorial jobs

by Open mind 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    What's your personal take on the perceived level of JW prestige attached to various jobs at the Memorial?

    Here are a handfull in no particular order:



    Baker of unleaved crackers (regional, around here they buy Matzohs)

    Buyer of vino

    Provider of table service

    Prayer over bread

    Prayer over wine

    Chairman (it's an official job starting this year, per letter to BOE)


    Buddy of Bethelite who pulled strings to get Bethel speaker to fly in

    Ok, that's enough.


  • BluesBrother



    SERVER, not listed but a great honour for a M/S

    I used to buy the wine and matzoes myself when I conducted it , then we could supper on matzoes, cheese & red wine

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    When you're a JW, you really don't have much to look forward to so you're right, they attach a fair amount of importance to these silly jobs.

    The order here is what I think

    Parking - usually assigned to young males, some who aren't old enough to have their drivers license yet. Level of importance - low

    Attendant - assigned to MS or if not enough MS avaliable then to non-elders who aren't on any "restrictions". Level of importance - low

    Baker of unleaved crackers (regional, around here they buy Matzohs) - Places I've been don't even assign this, the speaker is responsible. If they do assign it, noone knows who purchased it. Especially since it could be handled by a female. Therefore, level of importance - below low.

    Buyer of vino - see the cracker comment

    Provider of table service - Ah, what a privlege to be a waiter!! Usually assigned to elders (maybe MS if not enough). Get to be seen by everyone, therefore the level of importance goes up to medium.

    Prayer over bread - Always an elder. Importance - above waiter but below wine.

    Prayer over wine - Always an elder. Importance - 2nd most (in my opinion). Bonus points if you can stretch the prayer out over 5 minutes.

    Chairman (it's an official job starting this year, per letter to BOE) - Always an elder. Now mandatory, huh? Well, that moves up in importance a little I'd say more important than a waiter but less than a prayer.

    Speaker - Most important. I've seen absolute fights over who gets this assignment. I've also seen lots of politics over it.

    Buddy of Bethelite who pulled strings to get Bethel speaker to fly in - Priceless!

  • dismayed

    Speaker obviously is top dog. Usually an experienced elder, new elders don't really get a shot.

    Servers-Pretty much the rest of the elders

    Prayers over bread and wine-usually the old elders in my experience.

    Lot duty-usually MS or well regarded pubs.

    The worst job though is Hounder- sometimes you are assigned to buttkiss new ones/faders/relatives and chat them up. Usually they are there for one reason, they've been "hounded" themselves by family and can't wait to get the heck out of Dodge.

  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    Hey! Don't forget us sisters!

    There is the table cloth , pretty plates & wine glasses to provide.

    I once got to provide the cloth, but ironing was held off for a special privalage for someone else.

    I have no clue who decides what, seemed to be run by an elders wife.

    I think I was chosen because I owned a linen tablecloth.


  • sir82


    Whoa Nelly, you ain't seen politics until you've seen a catfight over who gets to buy the flowers. And the comments if they aren't up to snuff!

    "What the...? Who would pick carnations for the flowers?!? And OMG - are those pansies?!? Sister Clueless really outdid herself this year..."


  • Magwitch

    Do not forget the sister who throws the biggest post-memorial party. I could not wait to start drinking after I had to endure the 3 ten minute prayers, the same damn dumb songs that everyone sings with a teary eye, a talk that was usually went 15 minutes overtime, a new pair of shoes that were too tight and of course the smell of cheap wine passing in front of you and do not forget the EYE CANDY - all those sisters in their new polyester dresses

  • Gram

    Top Elderette,

    Wine, crackers, tablecloth, china and crystal, flowers. She would plan and prepare several weeks in advance. Was a HUGE day for her. Tablecloth ironed and reironed just before being placed on the table. Totally in charge.

  • Gram

    Oh, and she was the P.O's (now Chairman) wife.

  • NewYork44M


    Prayer over bread

    These two jobs are as far as I got in the pecking order.

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