Battlestar Galactica Finale: Huge Copout?
by leavingwt 14 Replies latest social entertainment
It was ok but I saw two problems:
1. Earth is supposed to be at the center of the 12 colonies which is why we have 12 zodiac symbols. If they went to another planet "earth" that is not at the center of the 12 colonies, then why do we have the 12 zodiac symbols?
2. If this gawd thing is guiding all of the events, then why is this gawd thing repeatedly guiding humanity into disaster over and over?
every 125,000 years gawd sees that humans are getting technologically smart, and he has to kill 99.99% to start ova!
someone told me that Adama was the daniel cylon, where was that said, and how?
Big Tex
Okay so the final ending didn't work, but Ron Moore did a helluva better job than the crap Brannon Braga spewed out as he ruined the Star Trek franchise.
Why did Cavil shoot himself?
What happen to the child Hera? She disappeared after being "rescued" in the control room.
Also, I have to say that someone should have controlled his emotions better!
Satans little helper
I haven't had a chance to see the finale yet, just saw Ep 19 last night and I hope they tie everything up well. There have been a few cop outs this season and it would have been great for them to have another season to bring all of the sub plots to a more rounded conclusion.
Yea, they played the god card on a few too many character arcs. Starbuck just disappears? wtf is that?
Still, some characters were resolved realistically though the premise of a 2nd earth was bs IMO. Cop out yea. Excellent finale to a great series, no. But ok.
I agree. I watched it saturday morning after TIVO'ing it and i LOVED daybreak part 2. Put Daybreak part 3 felt contrived.
My problems:
1) How could lee adama convince 35,000 people to just give up technology and just 'live off the land'? I'd have told them "Screw you" and took the timonium ship and landed somewhere in south america. Its not like they would have been able to stop anyone.
2) Why didnt they explain the whole baltar/caprica 6 'angels' bit? I was reallly surprised that they didnt bother saying why, but then showed them 150,000 years later walking through the streets.
O well, i will be watching Caprica and "The Plan" later this year. BSG will be missed.
That series jumped the shark two seasons ago. I found that I could watch every fourth episode and still know what was going on.
If you want quality scifi, beg, borrow, or rent the first (and only, unfortunately) season of Firefly. The movie was not as good as the series, but still watchable. It's essential to watch the TV series first, or the movie won't make much sense. Joss Whedon (writer and director) told his fans that the movie was really for them, not the general public.
Fox Network, you blew it. You really blew it!