Is the WTS About to Massage the Numbers in a huge Way?

by dismayed 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dismayed

    Obviously with no end-time date being out there right now, the WT to motivate members. Stagnation is the word that comes up frequently on the board here, and a currently active member, I see it permeating the dub attitude. So this week's study article was interesting in that it potentially expands the area where dubs can count their time. While no directive within the article says dubs can now count FS time in these areas, it equates these activities with field service time. Paragraphs 5-12 explain this in these scans:

    Pars 5-6 lay out the definition of Ministering to One Another

    Pars 7-8 talk about more ways in which those in the 1st century ministered.

    Par 9-Very interesting, here are the examples in modern times. Are these activities where dubs might start counting time?

    1) Brothers spending time preparing meeting parts

    2) Compassion shown toward fellow believers

    3) Visiting depressed ones and praying with them

    4) Writing letters to others- heartfelt words of encouragement

    5) Helping others to meetings

    6) Relief work- Natural disasters

    Next subheading - Which is more important?

    Pars 10-12 lay out the argument that preaching door to door and ministering to others in the congo should be viewed as equal or complimentary.

    Par 11 uses an illustration of which of a birds wings is more important? The bird needs both wings of course, so it is with JW, preaching to others and ministering to one another.

    Par 12 concludes that doing this will help them remain Christ's disciples. (Italics theirs)

    So what do you think? Is the groundwork laid here for all of these other activites to be counted as FS time? If they are in fact equal in importance to actual FS time, then why would one be counted and not the other?

    Several advantages come of course to the WTS if they authorize thes activities as "time" Many, if not most dubs hate FS. But most don't mind doing a favor here and there for others. Many do this kind of stuff already. Elders suddenly get to count extra time for meeting prep. Visitations to sick ones, preparing meals for them, etc. get counted too. Everyone gets re-energized as they are now putting in 20 hours a month! WOW! YAY!

    And of course the numbers go up in a bigtime way. Suddenly, dubs spend 3 billion hours in FS rather than last years 1.5 billion. More so-called "evidence" for the GB to say that Dubs are the one and only true religion.

  • metatron

    Here's my answer: BULLSH*T!

    Why? We've gotten these sort of articles before, in which the Writing Staff says one thing and the Service Dept. says something entirely different (as with the multiple personality issue). I'll suppose that the Writing Staff types are sincere but powerless.

    Every month, you fill out a small slip of paper that basically says hours claimed by the "ministry" count AND CHARITY AND FELLOWSHIP ARE WORTHLESS. Let's throw in the unofficial requirement of 10 hours a month by elders/MS's.

    Until these change, it's all lies.


  • blondie

    1) Brothers spending time preparing meeting parts (speakers can already count the time to give the talk, but not prepare)

    2) Compassion shown toward fellow believers (if fellow believers are baptized, no except for elder-sanctioned studies with inactive jws, and as I understand it, elders can count time on shepherding calls now)

    3) Visiting depressed ones and praying with them (see above)

    4) Writing letters to others- heartfelt words of encouragement (see above)

    5) Helping others to meetings (see above)

    6) Relief work- Natural disasters (already jws who work on quick builds can count some time on their slips; temporary volunteers at Bethel could count time as well as those who did the prep work for assemblies/conventions)

  • wobble

    To answer the original question,but only IMHO,they have already started to massage the numbers,and to withold numbers,being carefull only to present "positive" ones.

    This comes as no surprise to me as my P.O as he was then,now it is COBE or something,gave me a sherpherding call last year and stated that it would not surprise him to see a decrease in the figures.

    Now, his brother is a HEAVY in Brooklyn Bethel,has been for years (only met him once and thought "what an arse**le) so I guess my PO had got some early info on the World Report and how the figures were in the West.

    So yea,lots of massaging needed in the future if they are going to keep on claiming Jehovah's blessing upon them.



  • loosie
    Brothers spending time preparing meeting parts

    What about Sisters? Can they count their time too? If they can't count time they should stop being in miistry school.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    And how about counting time posting comments here, thats got to be worth something ?

  • loosie

    Well Homer since waaht we say is true on this board I think we could coutn double time.

  • Gordy

    As has been pointed out doing something for another baptised JW cannot be counted as time.

    It seems to me that they are trying to make sure that those who are still in, stay in.

    Show other JWs that you care about them. Make them feel part of this big "happy" family.

    If someones "inactive" go and encourage them back.

    Make sure the elderly and sick are still thought of.

    Give them a call, write a letter, even visit.

    When I went through my depression etc 13 years ago I got no help or support.

    But they did manage to persuade my wife to kick me out of the house.

    And they wonder why I eventually left???

    Have they now suddenly realised that what they have been doing has been contributing to people leaving?

  • dismayed

    Wobble-I agree, the number massaging has already started. Especially with the elimination of the average hours in the KM. I cant wait to unload that one in the next elders meeting when some over righteous elder questions someone's hours. "Well, now that the Branch doesn't publish the hourly average, it must not really be that important"

    Loosie-Good point! I know sisters spend way more time on their parts than the average elder does on his.

    Homer- Maybe i am aux pioneering and didn't even realize it?

    Gordy- I agree. By making these visits and good deeds FS time, it makes it even tougher for some to leave. Maybe faders have become a big problem in the eyes of the GB.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I think the WTS and the people running it are worried and afraid of the information age that we have entered ,

    another tool of Satan to be sure.


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