Was NOAH excited to see dead bodies all over??

by african GB Member 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Did it give HIM happiness to see all those bodies of "WORLDLY" people lying all over?

    Did it show him how LOVING Jehovah is?

    african GB member

  • reniaa

    Would he have seen any bodies? the waters would have washed them away surely? I certainly remember no scripture refering to him having to tidy up afterwards.

    I think you need to ask God this question because no one living could answer it without speculating.

  • SuspiciousMinds

    I'm not sure about Noah, but I know plenty of jws who are looking forward to seeing birds eat the flesh of their neighbors, co-workers, relatives etc... Every time that scripture in Revelation is read and seeing everybody nodding I feel like puking...


  • shamus100

    God is blood-thirsty; I can only imagine that noah would be jumping for joy.

  • Finally-Free

    I'm sure they were all eaten by fish long before the waters receded.


  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    how many people were killed in the flood


  • daniel-p

    ooh here's another one -- how fun is this watching african GB member bump all his own threads! GREAT TIMES REBEL8!

  • undercover
    Would he have seen any bodies?

    Book of Noah(as invented by undercover), chapter 2; the deluge commences verse 6-8:

    And it came to pass that as the waters started to rise above the highest hill of the area and the people could no longer ascend to higher ground that the screams of those outside the ark were silenced one by one. During the next evening thumps and thuds were heard against the side of the ark. Upon search of the vessel, no cause could be found for the noise. Later as we happened to look out upon the vast stretch of endless water we witnessed bodies of the dead banging against the ark as the waters sloshed about.

  • donny

    I am sure he would have seen a lot of dead things if this actually occcured. Not only did all of mankind perish but so did all of the millions and millions of animals that were not lucky enough to be on the ark. I doubt all of that would have been washed away completely.

    This is just another story that an ancient writer wrote and who had no idea that there would be folks in the future who would have the means and the intelligence to see it for what it is...... a myth.


  • daniel-p

    The fact that people still respond to these threads amazes me.

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