Congregation politics are so bitter precisely because the stakes are so low

by Olin Moyles Ghost 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Though I've never been an elder (thank God), I was raised by one and know several. It has been my observation that there is a tremendous amount of politics on bodies of elders. This is probably not a news flash to most of you.

    There is a saying that "academic politics are so bitter because the stakes are so low." This is sometimes referred to as Sayre's Law (see's_Law). I think this could apply to elder bodies as well.

    Think about it, most bodies are made up of working-class middle-aged guys who have little "power" out in the real world. But in the congregation, it's different--they have positions of authority and power. So, if anyone or anything is perceived to threaten this position, things can get ugly in a hurry. Of course, in the grand scheme of things, the stakes are tremendously low...but that's why elder body politics are so bitter.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    omghost.... absolutely true....

    I think I mentioned this at least once before...

    My favorite show on TV is Survivor... I have seen nearly every episode.. I am not fanatical and I dont remember the details, but I like watching it at the time it is on. In 2002 our meetings were on Thursday night. When I was a new elder, I used to take pleasure in telling the PO that I liked Survivor...his first question was not "why?" ...but "how can you watch that, it's on a meeting night." (hello....that's what god created VCRs for...duh)....

    His second question was..."so....why do you like that show so much?"

    With a straight face..... I replied.... "because it reminds me so much of congregation politics." And walked away...

    Probably was the beginning of the end for ol Elder Snakes...only took another 5 years to catch up with

    Snakes ()

    ah is the link from almost a year how time flies:

  • villabolo

    I believe it was Franz who said: "Big fish in little ponds."

  • SnakesInTheTower

    hey, I wonder if some of our clever graphics people on the forum could combine the Survivor logo and change the location to "Kingdom Hall" or "Patterson, NY", "Walkill, NY", or "Brooklyn, NY".,...add that crazy theme song and all.... that would be fun.. put it up on You Tube...

    I have no software nor talent for that...

    Snakes ()

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    @snakes: I love the Youtube/Survivor idea. Get a bunch of guys in polyester neckties and short-sleeve dress shirts in a room arguing over whether to have the pre-memorial "spring cleaning" at 12:30 or 1:00 on Saturday...

  • SnakesInTheTower

    come on V...this is something you could do... what are you working on these days?

    Snakes ()

  • lonestar63

    @snakes: I love the Youtube/Survivor idea. Get a bunch of guys in polyester neckties and short-sleeve dress shirts in a room arguing over whether to have the pre-memorial "spring cleaning" at 12:30 or 1:00 on Saturday...

    That, or the arguement about planting pansies around the sign out front, and whether or not it distracts from Jehovahs name.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I couldn't agree more. Politics is all about working the swing voters on any issue, or as I was advised... "Pick Your Battles".

    What if I feel strongly about all my battles??? Sadly, its true, you have to pick your top two as an elder generally, otherwise, you will get a reputation you do not want.

    Thats why I always say, its not the loud blowhard elders anyone should worry about, they play their cards right away. It's the quiet ones who always smile a lot. Those are the ones you should worry about. They will always "love Jehovah", "love preaching", and "love you". At least to your face. But in elder meetings, they suddenly "love the borganization" more then anything.

  • recovering


  • WTWizard

    Which is why I never got to be a hounder. I refused to kiss a** to the hounder-hounders. If I was only going to do x amount of field circus without the hounder-hounder, I was only going to do x amount when the hounder-hounder was in town.

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