Right now on CNN they are airing tapes of Bin Ladin talking about his dirty deed...OUTLAW
Osama Bin Ladin tapes(confession)
by OUTLAW 13 Replies latest jw friends
They talk a lot about their "dreams" as if they are inspired visions sent by god. - Cultism at its best/worst!
Yes, I've seen the tapes on tv tonight.
Anyone see Channel 4 as to exactly how and why the twin towers fell like they did?
Bring on the dancing girls!
Oh yes....On CNN.com, they have the transcript to the tape and it was horrendous. I don't think I've ever been so angry in my life...Hearing these ignorant men talk about the twin tower attacks and then say "Blessed be Allah", it made want to fucking throw up.
I hope to god Osama suffers a slow, painful, horrible death. I think they should capture him, bring him America and throw him to the angry crowd, preferably families of the victims. That would be justice to me.
Shwoooo.....OK, I feel much better now that I've vented. If any of you get a chance, log onto CNN.com and read the transcript. If their was any doubt Osama was behind the attacks before it is gone now.
Hey E-man,I did.They said the inner support steel beams got too hot and couldn`t support the weight of the floor.Once a few of the floors caved in,the rest just followed..MERRY CHRISTMAS E-MAN and HER LADYSHIP...OUTLAW
We are talking about pure evil here. Those guys sitting around chatting about how Allah blessed them while looking so holy. The smiles. But right not the best they can hope for is a quick death.
But tonight I'll be able to flush my toliet, Osama is crapping in a cave.
Bin Ladin is truly Satan's poster child. I deleted the rest of this message after I wrote it, because when I reread it, it just seemed too hateful. We're supposed to love our enemies, but in Bin Ladin's case, I can't bring myself to love him. I hate him. Is anyone else who tries there best to practice Christianity here grappling with the same feelings of hatred? I know, I know, this is not kosher to admit, but maybe my admission will help others face their proverbial demons. I've never felt that way before (except maybe for Hitler). It's a bad feeling that makes one want to take a shower, but hopefully I'll find a way to rise above it.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.-- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)
My wife was struck by something that she pointed out to me. Ben Ladin's manner was much like a Witness. Soft spoke, mild mannered and enjoying the calmity of others in the name of his God. As you watch the tape, does this similiarity hit you the way it did us?
Larc I thought the same thing. Very calm manner, smiling. Although I'm angry about having been a witness I certainly wouldn't put a witness or the borg in the same category as the Taliban. Liars and fakes for certain, but no witness is that evil.
Haven't seen it yet, but I've read some of the excerpts that were posted on CNN for the last several days. Hatred? No, I don't feel hatred, but I do feel that the world will be a better place without him. I feel sad that so many could be duped by this evil man who has no conscience. I also feel a sense of despair that someone could be joyful at the deaths of so many innocents.