The Three Stages of Meeting Attendance Freedom

by Nosferatu 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    During my exit from the JWs, I went through three stages of being free from the meetings. They are as follows:

    Stage 1: Going to the meetings, but disliking it.

    Stage 2: Stopped going to the meetings, but remembered every day that I was supposed to be going to the meeting.

    Stage 3: "Oh yeah! Thursday's a meeting night! I forgot."

    What stage are you in?

    I've been in Stage 3 for about ten years now :)

  • purplesofa

    What's today?

  • slimboyfat

    Stage 2, lapsing into Stage 1 sometimes.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    What's a meeting?



    I'm in stage 1.5

    I stopped the book study about 15 years. Couldn't re-read and repeat the REVELATION BOOK for the 400th time!

    Stopped the Ministry School about 5 years ago. Couldn't take the sales and book selling meeting any longer!

    Attend 2 Sunday meetings per month. Went to today's talk and Watchtower Study. Told my wife I don't know how much longer I can take it. The talks are cut and paste. The Watchtower Study is robotic, boring,a waste of time,mind numbing,uninspiring,and irrelevant as they come.

  • mkr32208

    Scarred stage 4 is 'whats a meeting...'

    I've been there for some time now!

  • Nosferatu

    I stopped the book study about 15 years. Couldn't re-read and repeat the REVELATION BOOK for the 400th time!

    Stopped the Ministry School about 5 years ago. Couldn't take the sales and book selling meeting any longer!

    I think it's funny when you have consistent sporatic meeting attendance, and nobody bothers to ask you why. They just know that you're "weak in the troof" and leave it at that.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    Then I've been in stage 5 for about 35 years now. It's hard for me to believe that we actually went and sat in those meetings 3 days a week. And don't even get me started on those assemblies and field service. No wonder I have so many periods of my childhood that I can't even remember. I zoned out and went into my own world. It was a suvival technique. Even the last few years that I went to meetings I spent the whole time in fantasy land. I couldn't listen anymore to that crap. I really have trouble even remembering when the last meeting that I went to occurred. I was sleepwalking during that time. What a nightmare!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    After 30 years I think I'm on stage 5 , cant remember what a meeting is for .......and thats a good thing !

    Oh yeah, blatant mind control

  • WTWizard

    I'm at that stage where if I never see the inside of a Kingdumb Hell again, it will be too soon.

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