I was surprised by your answer to the Russell as a mason question. I look forward to hearing a further explaination of your reasoning.
In the meantime, let me present what evidence I have for saying "yes, he was".
I found some websites that make a short statement about Russell being a mason. I ignored these. Then, I found one which listed the specific masonic temple(lodge?) he belonged to (York Rite, Allegheny Pa.) My curiousity grew.
Recently I downloaded a bunch of sermons by Russell. Found 3 references to masons. All of the quotes seem favorable of the masons:
"Who may know God's secrets?"
"As in some secret societies there are different steps
or grades--for instance, all Masons are familiar with
the secrets pertaining to the first degree yet not all Masons
are familiar with the secrets, etc., pertaining to the
thirty-second degree, so in God's Secret Order there are
first principles of the doctrines of Christ which must be
known to all who belong to the order, and are also "deep
things of God," which may be known only to those who
have made advancement by growth in grace and knowledge
and love. (Heb. 6:1; 1 Cor. 2:10.) To some unfamiliar
with the facts but having a knowledge of earthly
secret societies it may seem strange to say that the secrets
of the Divine Order of the Sons of God are so abstract,
so impenetrable, that they may be discussed freely in
the presence of others and not be comprehended at all."
(How many people at that time (or now) knew that a 32nd degree mason was the highest "rank" attainable?)
"The desire of all nations."
"Free Masons have waited twenty-five hundred years
for the same glorious personage, as Hiram Abiff, the
great Master Mason whose death, glorification and future
appearing are continually set before them by the letters
upon their keystones. He died a violent death, they
claim, because of his loyalty to the Divine secrets typed in
Solomon's Temple. He must reappear, they claim, in
order that the great antitypical Temple may be completed
and its grand service for Israel and for all peoples
may be accomplished. They claim that his presence is
to be expected speedily."
"The overthrow of satan's empire."
"Would these same men be so dishonest
in respect to their vows to the Masons or the Odd Fellows
or other human organizations? Would they support
things which they did not believe? We cannot think so."
Lastly, I always wondered why Russell got so interested in the great pyramid. As you probably know the masons claim their secret society was started by the pyramid builders (hence the name "mason"). Why else would a man travel from the U.S. to Egypt (no easy task in the 1800's) to study and measure the great pyramid.
This is by no means conclusive proof, but it seems very convincing to me.
I look forward to your reply.
p.s. If you don't already have Russells sermons I'd be glad to send you a copy.