I have a question, do the JW' still believe that....,

by cawshun 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cawshun

    Do the JW's still believe that they were chosen by Jesus as God's one true religion, by what Charles Russel taught? Do they stand on that or do they feel they were chosen later under Rutherford?

    If they accept that Russel was chosen and Rutherford changed things up, wouldn't Rutherford be an apostate?

    I have read so many confusing teachings by the WT, I don't know what to think. What is their true belief of how they were chosen to be God's channel on earth, until we know when, how and why they were chosen, nothing is to be trusted. I am not sure what it is they are teaching about this today.

    If I were studying with a JW and I asked them to prove to me why they think they are Gods channel and that they have the truth over all religions, what would I be told?

  • wobble

    I have asked several witlesses to prove to me it is God's Organization in any way they like,from the Bible alone,not taking verses out of context or reading stuff INTO verses. I am still waiting for them to get back to me. How long will it take?



  • cawshun

    Thanks Wobble, I would like to ask this question to my son in law, I don't want him to give me some answer or point me to some scripture that I am unaware of, I wan't to be able to prove him wrong. I don't want to be caught off guard. I'm not planning on doing this anytime soon, just trying to prepare for that day.


  • sir82
    Do the JW's still believe that they were chosen by Jesus as God's one true religion, by what Charles Russel taught? Do they stand on that or do they feel they were chosen later under Rutherford?

    Official JW orthodoxy: They were chosen by Christ in 1919 while under the leadership of Rutherford...however, he had not as yet had time to develop much, if any, difference in theology from Russell.

    The explanation is that they were chosen, not so much because they were completely accurate in everything, but because (1) they had the basics right (no hellfire, no trinity, no immortal soul), (2) they were distinct from the majority of Christian churches in that they did not support the war effort, and (3) they were supplying "spiritual food at the proper time" (alerting people to Christ's presence).

    Of course it's all balderdash, but that's the official line.

  • cawshun


    So based on those 4 things only, they had Jesus approval, no matter what else they were teaching at that time? So the proper food at the propper time was based only on these 4 things, no dates? Nothing on the doctrines they were preaching?

    I have seen one picture of a Christmas dinner at Bethel, is there other proof that they celebrated Christmas?

    I believe I read, maybe on this forum, that Rutherford was the one to stop the celebrating of Christmas. Is there some place to find this, what publication that show's it was celebrated till Rutherford stopped it?

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is one of those arguments you cannot win. I will play the JW.

    Cawshun: Were they chosen by Jesus as God's one true religion, by what Charles Russel taught or do you feel they were chosen later under Rutherford?

    OTWO: They were clearly on the right path in Russell's day, but were actually chosen by God in 1918-1919.

    Cawshun: But Rutherford changed everything after 1919, didn't he?

    OTWO: Russell was on the right path toward realizing that Christendom had become Babylon the Great. Even though some understandings were corrected (never say doctrine changed) over the years, whether during Rutherford's time or afterward, it was simply because the light was getting brighter and brighter as the day drew near.

    Cawshun: But....

    OTWO: (No matter what you said) LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA.

  • blondie

    According to the Proclaimers Book, Christmas was celebrated by the Bible Students until 1926

    ***Proclaimers Book


    [Box/Pictures on page 200, 201] That Have Been Abandoned
    chap.14 p.200" They Are No Part of the World"

    This Christmas celebration at Brooklyn Bethel in 1926 was their last. The Bible Students gradually came to appreciate that neither the origin of this holiday nor the practices associated with it honored God

  • cawshun

    On the Way Out, I see I lost that argument. Unbelievable, they have an answer for everything.

    Thank you for setting the stage for me.

  • wobble

    A question I asked on this was,and it sparked a big thread on here,if they were chosen in 1918-9 by JC,there must be one teaching that they had then,that they still teach today,that is unique to them,coz other groups taught much of what they teach today,and were truly neutral,not buying War bonds etc.

    So what is this teaching that persuaded Jesus to choose them over better placed religious groups ??????



  • cawshun

    Thanks Blondie, I appreciate it, I better get the Proclaimers book. Although, being that they saw the light getting brighter on this subject, it doesn't matter.

    I thought maybe I could show my son in law that since they celebrated Christmas when they had Jesus approval for teaching the proper food at the proper time, that maybe they would see that it is ok. Boy, the WT has all their bases covered! UGH!

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