what sir82 said
wife asked me a good question about control mechanism of DFing.....
by oompa 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Awakened at Gilead
Ask her to find the word "DFing" in the Bible...
DFing was not in use in 1919 when Jehover decided the WTS was the true religion.
It was added at a later date.
How the WTS presents the act of DFing is irrelevant. How they talk about it is irrelevant. How they write about it in their literature is irrelevant.
All that matters is how is is used. It is always used to control people and force them to change their behavior or their beliefs.
It is always used to control. Ask any elder and they will tell you that DFing is not a punishment but a way to "readjust" a person's way of thinking or behavior." It is used to control.
To an outsider who has been reading and studying the Bible for over 30 years it is amazing to me:1. how the WT uses DF procedures to intimidate and 2. why anyone would subject themselves to this kind of abuse. I fully understand that you all are victims, so I mean no offense. But really, wow!
Joe Grundy
'The primary reason for disfellowshipping is to "keep the congregation clean." That's code for keeping the unbelieving
one or the one practicing actions against WT policy from affecting the congregation members- taking them out with him.'I never was a JW, and now I'm an atheist.
Considering this logically (and perhaps 'logic' and 'JW' should not appear in the same sentence) IF the JWs were the one true religion, under the protection of an omniscient and all-powerful god, directed on earth by some 'chosen ones' with direct comms with said god, why should they be scared that some individual with an enquiring mind could taint them?
Their writings say that god can and did strike people down at will (though apparently he got a bit more liberal in later years) so what have they got to fear? There were 'striking downs' in the NT, and even here in Paphos Jesus Barabbas allegedly got blinded in a show-down with Saul/Paul.
On the basis that their god could instantly kill/make dumb/whatever anyone who was a threat I think that they're displaying a lack of faith in their own teachings.
Oh, and when things go wrong or get difficult, don't the hierarchy teach that god is testing them and 'tempering them in the fire of faith'? Couldn't letting some thinkers and questioners loose among the 'faithful' be seen in the same (new) light?
Perhaps the D/F practice is all about control, after all. I like the analogy quoted about the schoolkids choosing to exclude just one kid.
Why would the GB use it or view it as a "control mechanism?" What would be their motive?...I have always been taught it is just the bibles way of keeping the cong. clean. It is a form of sometimes needed discipline. What would the GB have to gain by using it as a "control mechanism?" I think i said it was a way to just keep people
The motive is control. It has nothing to do with keeping the congregation clean. Explain to your wife the facts. My brother in law is a DO and has been for years. He practices shunning of his own family for the most ridiculous reasons and to the extreme - yet, we know for a fact (he admitted it to us) that he has been taking a woman that he works with 'out for lunch' for almost 10 years. She is defnintely NOT a JW. He had been married for 35 years.
So the question is - how are his actions keeping the congregation clean, if he has disfellowshipped the person next to him for doing the same thing?
It's all control and ego. A way to stop us all from talking to any active witness. Let's face it - if the society had the 'truth' they wouldn't need to act in such a destructive manner would they? They don't have the truth so they have to try and protect what they have by controlling who their flock speak to or associate with.
besty......i really love that insight quote...........A POWERFUL WEAPON!!!.........somehow i gotta show that to her...but it will be awhile as i must shut the fluck up for awhile!!!!
I suspect there are many quotes like that. They made no secret about the purpose of shunning being to "make the person realize his guilt".
Do you have a screensaver? Change it to scrolling marquee and put in the quotes. If asked, say you are doing it to make sure you don't lose that important spiritual food.
Are you anointed yet?
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Good comments. Besides the nonsense of their "judicial disfellowshipping", I'd also add that there is no Scriptural precident to their confidentiality of such proceedings. As much as they emphasize the OT Jewish style of things, the Judicial Committees don't meet in the "city gate" like the Mosaic Law. For dubs, it is in a secret meeting... not to be recorded or discussed by anyone. So, a pedophile can be privately reproved, and someone that doesn't agree with the prohibition of blood transfusions will be publicly DFd as a "dangerous apostate", even though they have iron-clad "reasoning from the Scriptures".
B the X
OOMPA- Your statement : " I get her point , I do feel the GB are a sincere bunch, and wonder if they even consider that DF could be used as a control mechanism ? " Oompa , How long have you been on this board here ? Do you even read all the threads put out about cult mind control and how the WT society full well knows what they are doing in manipulating people ? I mean, let's get serious. I highly suggest you read Steve Hassan's books on mind control and you will understand how leaders of mind control cults ( ie. governing body ) use shunning and excommunicating and disfellowshipping as a " control mechanism ". It's plain to see once you read the books