howdy more2C,
All I use is a disposable camera.Me too! I was so proud of my pictures of my flowers, dogs, etc! I showed them to my husband, who has a Very Good Camara - and asked why MINE had such good color and clarity.
He said it was because I was using that throw-away camara. I responded, but it's a Cheap One! He said "Do you realize why you're pictures turn out so well....and how much each one costs you?" Me: "no."
"It's because those camaras use fast, expensive, film - and any idiot can take good pictures - any they're more expensive in the long run."
(Of course, I'm not talking about you using one of those camaras)
I still use those camaras - and I still take great pictures, when I can afford them! Of course, he could be wrong - I've caught him being that a time or two..........