Are there any Witnesses you feel sorry for?

by BonaFide 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    I have a friend who has been in Bethel for 15 years. He is still single and looking for the right girl. He is a really nice guy, he tries to help people in his congregation, the young people, the older ones. He really believes its the truth, like I did, and I feel sorry for him. He thinks if he is patient he will find the beautiful girl he is looking for, or if not, there is always the new system which is so, so close. He is 41 years old now. He still talks to the girls in their early 20's, though most of them don't pay attention to him anymore.

    Another couple in Bethel has been there for over 20 years. I have known them since I was a kid. They have no children of course, and are now in their mid-forties. They haven't been asked to leave-yet. They are so "faithful" to the Organization, they really believe it all. And they really try in their congregation to invite the younger ones over to their Bethel room and make burgers for them, and watch a movie. They pick up an older sister for the meeting and help her shop.

    And some others I think about sometimes, who made sacrifices in good faith, who were raised as Witnesses, and either didn't get married, didn't have children, never got a good education or employment, who live poor and still pioneer and try to do everything the Society says faithfully. They go to all the weddings and funerals and write letters to friends, and in my opinion, have a good heart towards people. They really believe that God looks at everyone's hearts, and will judge everyone fairly. They believe that Jehovah will undo all the suffering, and that he really cares about everyone.

    I feel sorry for them. When I talk to them, or email, they sound the same as i was, trying and trying but hoping things will change soon. Some are really depressed, but they don't know why.

    They are all trying to keep it up, for however long it takes. Its sad to visit with them now, we are all older, and no Armageddon yet.

    Do you feel sorry for the sincere ones in the Organization who really believe and try hard?


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I feel sorry for all of them.

  • yesidid
    Do you feel sorry for the sincere ones in the Organization who really believe and try hard?

    Absolutely!!! Some of the most loving people I know are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Because I love them so much I am trying to fade and not DA.

    I feel sorry for them and all the other sincere ones.

  • Mandette

    Absolutely!!! Some of the most loving people I know are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    What you said, yesidid...

    I'm specifically thinking of my parents......


  • garybuss

    I pity the kids. The adults either amuse me or offend me. I can't muster feeling sorry for any adult that is willfully ignorant, willfully mean, or any who voluntarily support a benevolent organization.

  • donny

    Ditto with Yesidid. I have no issues with rank and file JW's. Some of them are the nicest people I have known.

  • JimmyPage

    There was one Witness in particular that I felt sorry for- me! I did everything right and it never got me what I needed out of life. So I did something about it. I went out into "the world" and had the time of my life. Instead of having regrets I have lots of great memories.

  • wobble

    I feel sorry for the ones who have needlessly sacrificed talents and life and aspirations to a publishing company,they could have lived their dreams,used their talents,been so much MORE than what they have been.

    My own sister has remained single,a lifelong Pioneer,devoting her whole life (she is 60) to a false concept.

    I include myself in this waste,but now I am determined to do good in any way I have the power,ignoring Dub constraints,be it politics or whatever I will do that which makes my few remaining years worthwhile.



  • dismayed

    We took an older elder out for hospitality a few months back after the public talk. Got to talking about plans for a new hall that is going to be built later this year. Then he said something along the lines of "Well, thats if Armageddon doesn't come first!" with complete belief in his eyes, heart, and soul.

    I didn't have a word to say, just a sharp pain right in the middle of my heart.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I feel sorry for all of them.


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