Chris, you've got a point, brother, but please let me point out some possible dfing offenses so stipulated. I know I'm not a penis person but allow me to correct your thinking on the matter. [j/k]
- They were worldly women attending university. That is bad association.
- He did it during Holy Month TM (October).
- His violent outbursts in court in front of the media brought reproach upon Jehoho.
- Ditto for his swearing.
- 3 and 4 displayed lack of respect for Caesar.
- He is a serial (alleged) rapist. We all know the Society has counseled us against consuming breakfast serial because components of blood were used in the manufacturing process. He is cause for stumbling his fellow brothers. I feel very stumbled by these corn flakes.
/end sarcasm....trying to point out the injustice in the jw judicial system........this entire story is sickening, including the slap-on-the-wrist penalties the court gave him.