I gave mine back a week or two after I quit going but I wish I had it back now. I feel a little mischievous, eh, eh.
If you still have it or if you don't, is there anything special you would like to do with it?
by Quirky1 20 Replies latest jw friends
I gave mine back a week or two after I quit going but I wish I had it back now. I feel a little mischievous, eh, eh.
If you still have it or if you don't, is there anything special you would like to do with it?
How about swapping all their literature with "apostate" books?
LOL....I do still have my key to the hall. I remember the code to the alarm system too.
But it's been years and the hall has been remodeled so they've probably changed the locks and the alarm system by now.
I have mine. I would sell it for the right price !! Ha Ha Ha.
Our hall was broken into a few years back and they took the safe that was empty. They should have taken all the old watchtowers and sold them on ebay - they could have made $$$$$$$$.
I was thinking of hiding all the toilet paper before the sunday meeting.
I still have mine....
african GB member
I was asked to turn it in, so I did.
A lot of congos use "1914" for the alarm code.
I have mine, 600 miles away, and about ten years since pioneering there.
A lot of congos use "1914" for the alarm code.
I guess the halls that used "1935" had to change their code a couple years back...