Disfellowshipping is the "Biggest Stick" the WBT$ carries..There is no way the WBT$ will give up that Bargaing Chip!.....Ever!!.....The WBT$ will always find more ways,to enforce Disfellowshipping.....Count On It!!!...............OUTLAW
Is DISFELLOWSHIPPING being phased out?
by african GB Member 47 Replies latest jw friends
Sir82 makes some good points on pg 1. I think that if shunning became a strongly encouraged conscience matter, we would still be shunned and need to support one another. JWN and such forums would live on.
Truthsetsonefree..Everything is a concience matter.....Ask any JW.....All JW`s have a Choice!!.....Make the wrong choice and you will be disfellowshipped..LOL!!..........What does your concience tell you to do?.......................OUTLAW
Trying to second guess the next step of a publishing company that thinks its the voice of god on earth, whilst running an end times cult without a published end time is good fun. Enjoy!
sweet pea
In true Watchtower style, I am sure they have plans to do away with Disfellowshipping for their own purposes (all legal no doubt and to appear 'the loving Mother' to the R&F).
No thought to the people whose lives they have ruined with their original amoral policies, all the while encouraging their 'true faithful members' to shun those who do not tow the line.
Same game, slightly different rules.......
The word 'bastards' was invented just for them.
wha happened?
it is all so subjective and given to individual opinion.
No because for them to maintain authority they need to have the means to punish and DFing is that means. Their ideology is so weak that if the R&F start to freely criticise it with impunity this organisation will quickly fall apart or be forced to change in ways the leadership doesn' want.
WT cannot decline from the disfellowshiped policy. There are too many things at the stake that they cannot risk. They are only trying to shift the blame to the former member who leaves in order to save their asses from leagal issues. In my case there was made an announcement that I'm no longer a Jw. In the judical commitee the elders said to me that we will make an announcement that you are no longer a JW
I think it's entirely possible ritual shunning will be eliminated, since it was not part of the religion for many years. It's a fairly new invention of theirs.
If disfellowshipping is done away with, I wonder if people who walk away would be less inclined to see the need to come together for support.
Undoubtedly true for some people.
Yet I don't think the ex-jw forums would disintegrate. Most discussions are not caused by dfing but by the psychological abuse the cult perpetrates.
I've made a lot of posts here, to meet my own needs for recovery, and I've never been dfd in my life.
Phasing out DF is a tricky game to play. On one hand the Org needs more people to fill those seats; on the other hand, it has to keep the appearance of being God's pure organization.
I agree with Gary: disfellowshipping is one thing; shunning is another. That's why the org may officially phase it out, but keep it in practice. This is just one of the many manuevers the org can make.
As the organization keeps creating this type of its-up-to-the-christian-brother situation, though, I believe it is more important than ever for the dissidents to learn to cleverly explore this to his advantage.