dismayed.... how did I resign? lol
Like everything I seem to do, my becoming an ex-elder doesn't follow the usual path.
When I got back from an overseas trip in August 2006, nearly having a nervous breakdown over a broken engagement (on her part), and the general harassment of a particular jackass elder...I verbally resigned but not submitted a written note. The BOE took me off as secretary and Local Building Chairman for our remodel...both I was glad to have taken away. I knew then it was a matter of time.
We had a CO visit coming up the end of the year..so in October a Quarterly meeting was scheduled to discuss various things... apparently my qualifications were part of that...unfortunately no one bothered to send me an agenda until I received an email with it less than 24 hours from the meeting. Everything had already been discussed in advance. I told the brothers that 24 hours is not enough time to go over the meeting points (prayerfully I believe is the word I used **eye roll**)). I also pointed out that half of the topics were things that should be handled by less than the entire BOE. One of those things was the remodel. Apparently the PO had already taken over in the background before booting me. I tried one more time to talk to one of the elders (and the CO and DO) at a circuit pioneer meeting nearby...to no avail.
I refused to show up. It was then they decided I no longer qualified as an elder. They accepted my verbal resignation at the next regular Sunday meeting. Then I decided I was going to start my fade....but I couldn't fade and stay there. I planned to change congos, circuits, and states but not phsycially moving away. I realized that the BOE of the prospective new congo wanted me to be an elder there. If I resigned for "personal reasons" then they could reappoint me in a year. It was then that I decided to withdraw the verbal resignation and make my current BOE pull the trigger in front of the CO. Being deleted forces a 3 year moratorium by the Society and then reappointment only as MS for at least 6 months..at least that is the way it was then....
And so they did. (This is the same BOE that lets its Service Overseer/Regular Pioneer continue in both positions despite the fact that he had been busted for looking at porn..... and despite the fact that he admitted that he wouldnt have come forward except a JW relative (not his wife) had caught him via his internet history while borrowing the computer..... and is involved in a barely legal but morally reprehensible MLM scam. Yet they were willing to boot the MTS grad whom they hated... )
And so my plan was in place... I was removed..I left...went to the new congo for 8 months or so....made less and less meetings...turned in phantom time through August ...... and then quit going.... the fade complete... now I am just inactive..and never attend.
As I said... nothing is normal about my life... but the story is out there... I say let your BOE pull the trigger if you are truly done. If you have doubt about leaving...then resign for "personal reasons" and leave on good terms....in case you want that crap job back.
Snakes ()
ps..and for you lurkers from my old congo...you know who I am ...come get me ya buggers.
**flips international hand gesture of disrespect at BOE**