Good news ,My son has researched the witnesses on his own !

by troubled mind 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Over the past three years I have dropped a few points about why I am no longer attending meetings . Nothing in depth .

    I did stress alot of it was due to never feeling good enough , the emotional pressure to follow organizational rules over my own conscience and my personal objection of how education is discouraged . I also have shared with my kids their whole life that when i was raised ,Armegeddon fears were rammed down my throat ,Something I refused to do to them .

    I have worried excessivly how my older two sons would respond to me once they realized I am never going back .

    Well my son came home for a visit to go out and celebrate my birthday this weekend ! We have had several chats and he has been researching different religions and the history of religion . He said the witnesses told us WHAT to believe not HOW to believe . He also said they never encourged people to think for themselves .

    I asked him if he has ever read anything on JWD .....and he said the last time he was home visiting he had looked at my favorites .......and yes he has lurked a bit reading things about 1975 ,607 ....ect :)

    I am a happy mom tonight . I feel I can be totally open to him now . I am going to ask if he wants to borrow my COC book.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini


    That is wonderful!! I am so happy for you. I only hope one day I will have something similar to post about my family.

  • oompa

    oh you lucky girl!....go mom go!!........oompa

  • lonestar63

    That's great news!

    Hows hubby doing?? Haven't heard from you in a while and was curious.

  • Ohio Nana
    Ohio Nana

    I am so happy for you and also Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!My husbands is Monday and I am taking him out to dinner tonight and bought cards etc. Wonderful to be able to celebrate again!!!!I liked what you have been saying over time to your kids and I am going to start doing that with my JW daughter and hope that some day she will do what your son did. THINK!!!!!!!!!!


  • leavingwt

    Wonderful news! Thank you for sharing this with us.

  • OnTheWayOut


  • PanzerZauberei

    Not to steal your thunder, but I can pat you on the back as one who knows the feeling. My youngest is 17 and has told me often how the Watchtower is nothing but a BS cult. I am glad your son uses his mind as well!

    pat pat pat...on the back...

  • passwordprotected

    Thank God for the internet. Congrats!

  • truthsetsonefree

    Wow, that must be a great feeling. Let's hope his research continues.


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