The society has always had law and loop holes. When I even gave 1/2 a crap about what they thought, I had a carpet store in Florida. I worked fo one Timothy Schmit in Arcadia before I opened my own store. The day I decided to quit and start my own store was when a pastor came in and wanted carpet for his church. Donna Martin told him they would not do it because other religions were from satan and witnesses are the only ones who god aporves of. After opening my own business I found the rules and loop holes, one such loop hole is if your check comes from an individual and not the church itself it is up to the individual if they want to work at a church. I did get checks from churches but I would just tell elder nosie when asked that I was working for a contractor who had me working for a church and my check came from them. I used to run rings around the idiot elders becaue the rules are so conflicted and full of loop holes you can almost do anything you want as long as you do not tell the elders you will do what you want. Then I even got smarter and just left all togeather. playing with the society and elders is like the original war games movie, where the computer comes to the conclusion that playing tic tak toe is pointless.
The Tobacco Bombshell...
by Snoozy 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is no safe amount of exposure to tobacco smoke; it kills when used as directed; 50% of habitual users worldwide are killed by it--the other half experience nothing or illnesses/disabilties from it and then something else kills them the meantime creating illnesses in others.
As a cancer survivor, I hardly appreciate the comparison to alcohol, paper......those things can be used safely in moderation....safely for people + the earth.
The OP is what you call "fake science".
Nope, use everything in moderation. Cancer is being linked to blood pH levels, with refined flours and sugars being the culprit.
This topic made me think about how when I was a kid, there was a break between the Ministry School and Service Meeting. We just always had it and I don't know if this was standard in the 60's/70's or not. I found out later that the reason for the break was for those who smoked to have a smoke break back in the day and it just stuck. Anyone else remember that?
Small cell lung cancer. Very aggressive small cell lung cancer.
It has spread to the liver, via the lymph nodes. Diagnosed 2 weeks and 3 days ago. Expected to live approximately 2-3 more weeks. Not months or years. Weeks.
She started smoking when she was 15; she turned 75 in January and never stopped. She has been smoking 2 packs per day. She encouraged her children to smoke. She derided anyone who didn't smoke. Actually made fun of non-smokers.
Now, as I look at her laying in her hospice bed, all I see is the wasted years. She would refuse to come visit because we wouldn't allow her to smoke in our home. She refused numerous invites to numerous parties because the host/hostess didn't smoke and wouldn't allow smoking.
She can't breathe because the huge, cancerous tumor is growing and cutting off her breathing. She is slowly being smothered.
Watchtower policy? F'd up. My father was DFd for smoking. He never returned. I am sure he smoked on purpose just to get DFd. (long story)
I asked my Mom if Jesus would actually approve of someone being shunned for SMOKING?!
She agreed that no, it was a stupid policy. No one should be expelled when they have an addiction to anything. They need help, not cutting off from their support system.
If you smoke, please stop. Watching someone go through what I have just in the last two weeks has been absolutely hideous. I hope you die of a heart attack rather than lung cancer. Seriously. At least she is dying quickly.
I agree, smoking is a curse. I lost my mum to cancer. She never smoked BTW but that didn't make it any easier for me at the time.
Strange how it took me several years after seeing what cancer did to her till I finally gave up. You know it is killing you but you carry on regardless, as if tomorrow never comes.
One good thing came out of that. She left me knowing I couldn't put the big questions off indefinitely. Also, seeing her body (the first dead body I had ever seen) left me with a definite sense that she wasn't there anymore, that she had left leaving her body behind.
All the best,
oompa son wants to quit........any suggestions?...this is a bit off topic...but he thinks acupuncture will help??...........oomps
Hi oompa,
IMHO opinion I would avoid that.
Jesus said the truth will set you free. I suggest he takes a look at the facts.
Smoking gives you cancer and other things that kill you. If you wanna die a painful and ugly death then smoke on.
Take a look at what death by cancer is really like. Go to a hospice. Talk with some people. Talk to some people who have seen the affects first hand.
Take a look at the statistics, the bad and the good. Once you give up your risks decrease rapidly.
Get some facts and meditate upon them-start here
Graphic Australian Anti-Smoking Ad
All the best,