Lawrence Hughes, former Jehovah's Witness will be one of our guests on the conference call Sat. March 28, 7 p.m.EST. Mr. Hughes is suing the Watchtower organization for the wrongful death of his daughter Bethany. Also on the call will be Richard Rawe, a former Jehovah's Witness who has so much information to share with us on what he knows about the real truth behind the WAtchtower organization. Richard is a prolific collector of Watchtower publications, including some very rare and nearly obscure publications. He has also collected literally tons of newspaper articles and press releases concerning the Witness movement. He will be sharing some of this with us. Also, we wil be talking more about the strategy for the mass exodus coming up in August 2009. To get on the call just dial (712) 432-8710 and when asked for pin number use 9925. There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rates. The lines open at 6:30 p.m. EST for our pre-show. Then the program begins at 7 p.m.EST. To listen to past recorded calls
Blood lawsuit goes forward against the Org. Conference call Sat. March 28
by the research lady 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What happens in August?
Oh Thanks !! wont be able to make this one. I will be going to a concert. First time in years.
Hope your well research lady....(((HUG)))
Research Lady,
Usually you can listen in to the SixScreens conference calls by subscribing to Pal Talk and checking into the net at: Religion: Christianity: SixScreens net. This shows up around 630PM EST and lasts until the end of the Conference which sometimes runs into midnight. Also you can chat with other listeners using your keyboard. This is a nice way to listen and meet a few friends. Give it a try.
the research lady
Thanks for the info. Joseph. Maybe others can use this feature to get in on the call but, since I'm Rick's wife, I'll be sitting here with him helping out in person as I usually am. Thanks anyway.
So how did the conference call go last night?
Any more info on the August 2009 mass exodus?
We met Richard Rowe when we were leaving. He participated in a support group we joined. I disagree with him on a few things, but admire his tenacity in calling the WTBS to account. He's like a dog with a bone, he won't let go. I'm sure there are a good number of witnesses that hate him with a passion. Too bad they can't but that energy into acting on what he's telling them.
One of these days I'm going to have to figure out how to get in on these calls.
we wil be talking more about the strategy for the mass exodus coming up in August 2009.
Please elaborate on this "mass exodus." The audio doesn't work for me; it keeps returning to the beginning of the recording and there's no way to advance it forward. Thanks.
bttt for "Cameo-D".
Can you elaborate a bit about what this "mass exodus" is about?