GARLIC- Welcome to the forum and thanks for the info so we can be aware of what the governing body is cramming into our witness families heads THIS year. Weird stuff. I truly believe the WT society is running scared right now and they have to do something to get the witnesses excited and try to reel some back in that are leaving since no Armageddon has come yet. No paradise. I mean, what's it been, only 95 years since 1914 ? But they still try to get witnesses to " Keep on the Watch !! " Jesus. I thought a year ago in the April witness only version of the Watchtower they were saying , " We really don't know how long a generation is . " So what's the big push to get everybody hyped up ? Oh , that's right - thousands are leaving the organization every year due to the WT scandals and injustices. So it's time for what we call " damage control ". Makes sense to me - it's a mind control organization
2009 "Keep On the Watch!" Convention Preview
by garlic81 55 Replies latest jw friends
"Maintain Your Sense of Urgency"How will they justify this with:(1) The anointed increasing in number to almost 10,000
(2) The "generation" Jesus spoke about no longer meaning wicked people
(3) Book study deleted as separate meeting
(4) "Millions now living" dead
(5) Almost 100 years since 1914 -
Keep on the watch. That is just another way to say that Jehovah intends to keep us perennially in an "emergency" that lasts people's whole lifetimes. Everyone that has ever lived, is alive now, or ever will live, will never know anything but this stupid "emergency". Plus, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is so sure that they know about when the end will come, when they have been wrong ever since they started.
The truth is that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag Jehovah is not going to let anyone know even around when it is coming--and He could well be playing a scam intended to make people waste their time guessing. The end will come only when He decides, if He decides--if at all. And He is so vile that there is nothing one can do to assure survival, at that into a totalitarian society that one would not want to be part of anyway--hence, nothing to be on the watch for.
Friday pm - Answers to Questions About the Last Days” - like why are they lasting and lasting and lasting?
Sunday am - "“Keep in Expectation. It Will not be Late” - This sounds like a talk based around Habakkuk chap 2..If so then how many older ones will remember the stirring articles printed on that scripture ...but they were back in 1974 when expectations were at their height? If you remember , you might also say to yourself that you are going back 39 years ! - and it still has not happened
(is it me or is the formatting playing up?)
I have been expecting a new book to replace REASONING FROM THE SCRIPTURES. That one is so old that tons of old light is in it.
I would also not be surprised if some "FAMILY STUDY NIGHT" aid were offered. That would probably be a brochure.Special Presentation: “ Until I Expire I Shall Not Take Away My Integrity” - Job 27:5
Calling some talk "special presentation" might also be a hint of a release. More focus on the alread-in JW's
might be their current thoughts. They don't want to mass produce new books to distribute worldwide when funds
are suffering, so I could see stuff for the members only. Just a guess. -
african GB Member
On The Way Out--I really like your intellectual analysis on all WBTS must have served at a SENIOR level in your cong....
african GB member
It should read "Keep on the watch for Pedophiles in your congregation"
Keep on the Watch
Just like Charlie Brown used to do for the great pumpkin. Too bad what he was watching for never came.
yadda yadda 2
Looks like there could be a bit of mustard at this convention.
Friday pm - 'Answers to Questions About the Last Days'
This format seems unusual. Like a 'Questions From Readers' at the DC. Have they ever done anything like this before?
I get a feeling there is going to be some 'new light' in this talk (or just spinning the same old nonsense in a slightly different way.)
This shows that the rank and file are increasingly asking questions on this matter, mostly: why is the end taking so long to come; why do you keep flip-flopping on the meaning of 'the generation'; why are the anointed suddenly increasing? It shows that the pressure is mounting on the Society to respond to the growing questioning and disillusionment spreading through the organisation (fat chance).
All the talks about being caught in a trap, etc, will no doubt be focused on avoiding independent, apostate thinking.
This format seems unusual. Like a 'Questions From Readers' at the DC. Have they ever done anything like this before?
Yeah they've done it off and on for the past 10 or 15 years.
The theme is puzzling - it seems to be a program designed to whip up "urgency". Yeah, for those 3 days and maybe a week after, the JWs will all be wild-eyed and moist with excitement at the prospect of Armageddon coming "very soon now", but after that...what?
Back to the same old routine...40 hour work week....2 meeting days / week....field service Saturday morning....CO visit....Circuit Assembly...back to "Memorial season" again....same old stuff as has been going on for decades....
Seems like they would want to spend the time encouraging friends to begin thinking about hangng on for the long haul, enduring even though the end might seem far off....instead, they are whipping up enthusiasm that is sure to lead to further disappointment, disillusion, and malaise.
Why? What does the Society gain by setting people up to be disappointed and bitter about failed promises yet again? It doesn't make sense.