Can I ask a question without offending Spanish members? Neighborhhood?

by restrangled 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    I have some great neighbors...Spanish on both sides of me, and down the street. Their homes are very nice and the yards are kept up....but there is the strangest thing. They love to put big wooden posts in the middle of their beautiful lawns with the most hideous KMart type night lighting fixtures you have ever scene. I don't understand it. None of these families are related and I don't think they even know each other, but all the lighting is the same. Its so bad its cringe material. The neighborhood is very safe, we have had no crime on our street in the 20 years we've lived here.

    For the amount of work they put in they could have had beautiful fixtures. Instead they worked all day cutting posts, running wire and then bolting to the top something you have seen in a parking lot.

    Why do they do this? .....I don't mean to offend just seems ridiculous!


  • watson

    Are these folks from Spain?

  • restrangled

    No, one side of me is from New York, and moved in 10 years ago. The other side moved in 2 years ago and I think they are from Puerto Rico. Both families are wonderful neighbors, you couldn't ask for better.....except for this KMart lighting situation. Last night, 4 posts went up in the front yard! 2 on the edge of our properties...It is absolutely hideous by day or night.


  • coffee_black

    I'm not sure it has anything to do with nationality. There is no accounting for taste. Maybe those fixtures were on sale, and it was a coincidence that they decided to install them... or one family told the other about the bargain they found...who knows?


  • watson

    Are the displays religious in nature? IE, Easterish/Catholic?

  • willyloman

    "The neighborhood is very safe, we have had no crime on our street in the 20 years we've lived here."

    Well, sure, what with all those night lights!

  • restrangled

    Watson, I have no idea if it stems from a religious nature. I will say this...all fixtures are at least 10 feet tall......and the same light fixtures.....just too weird.

    I wish I could post a picture for you.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Oh, you're one of THOSE types of little old "lady" neighbors I see. . .

  • Emily24

    Yes let's see a picture please!

  • restrangled

    John Doe,

    Do I need to remind you to go clean your bedding?.......I am not a little old lady....yet.! (you know I luv your humour!)


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