Driving pet peeves

by keyser soze 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Oh and also the "Let's race to the red light". I see a red light ahead and I automatically let off on the gas. Not those behind me. They will tailgate, drive around and race to the red light. I just coast right up next to them. Oh yaaaa! they are the winner to the red light!

  • BizzyBee


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh and my favorite. If somone is pulled over by the side of the road maybe chaging a tire, it doesn't give u the right to slam on your brakes to watch, while cars zip by at 70 miles per hour

  • free2beme

    People who drive below the speed limit for no reason

    People who leave their turn signal on or do not use them at all (give it to the man, I use no signals as a way of striking back ... power to the people, I am a worthless moron)

    People who ignore simple laws

    People who let their dogs ride in the back of their truck (Have you seen what these canon balls look like in a car accident? I have! Think paint ball wars with guts.)

    Old people (Yeah you, the ones who think you are doing the rest of the world a favor by going too slow, and being a terrible driving - the world got faster, speed up.)

    People who do not move over for emergency vehicals

    People who think they must race everyone for so unknown reason, while in the passing lane. (when you went slow every mile before then)

    People who are driving more then they can handle, just because they want to try it.

  • Phee

    Ooo...ok..so my driving pet peeve doesn't really have to do with driving itself, but...my BIGGEST pet peeve... I will RANT about it for 30 minutes after seeing it is....PERSONALIZED LICENSE PLATES!!! I HATE THEM!!!! I think that if NO ONE else can understand it...then why have it?! I want to see something clever or at least intelligable! NUM1MOM....I get it!....sorry...but *UGH*!!!!


  • ziddina

    [Blast! I'm late to the party again!] Tailgaters. I especially hate the ones who tailgate me when I'm in the right-hand lane doing roughly around the speed limit (I rarely actually DO the speed limit; I usually tickle it a little...) and there are no exits upcoming and the left TWO lanes are completely open for passing! I actually had a drunk tailgating me one night; I have EXCELLENT night vision and was on a reasonably well-lit highway, so I just turned off all my lights and coasted along until he freaked and passed me.

    Boy! this discussion takes me back! I remember the time I was truckin' along behind a line of cars and someone slammed on the brakes in front. I had enough time to brake and move into the shoulder - problem was, the shoulder was covered with gravel... Did you know that gravel can be as slick as wet ice?? I found that out pretty quick! The beastie did a 180 and I ended up facing the car behind me. I remember another time being in the mountains behind a line of twenty (I am NOT exaggerating!!) cars who were all following a slow-moving tractor, of all things! He was doing all of, say, 15 miles per hour in a sixty MPH zone! There was a nice, long passing lane/zone upcoming, so I revved up my little beastie and was in the process of passing ALL of those blasted mutton-heads when I looked in the opposite direction (the road was clear! I checked before I started passing!!), and lo and behold, there was a slow-moving tractor coming in the OPPOSITE direction with another 20 - 25 cars behind it!! I rammed beastie into 3rd - or maybe 4th - and zipped around the plug on my side of the highway. Really gets the ol' heart rate up!! I LUV passing!! Gives me an adrenalin rush....

    But that was in my youth... Ever since gas hit $4 a gallon, I've been driving like the little old lady I'm supposed to be. But then, my mom was the original "Little Old Lady From Alameda/Pasadena". She was hell on wheels...

    Which brings up another pet peeve - usually the worst driver in the group/on the road is the one with some sort of 'Christian' fish/family with cross/"my child is an honor student at Barf elementary" on it. YuK! (Why isn't the barf smiley working??)

    'Nuff 'bout my bad driving habits... Actually, I've survived many a bad situation on the roads. Either dumb luck or fast reflexes... BTW, I live in Denver, so if you're ever in Denver and see a little black Acura with a spoiler - well, you've been warned... Zid

  • mkr32208

    You know when I drive in the car I find myself getting a bit peeved from time to time but I rarely do when I'm on my motorcycle... It's just so zen it's very difficult to be upset for me while on the bike! I take the long way home, enjoy the drive etc...

    I do have ONE pet peeve... At the risk of sounding racist... Why oh WHY do young black kids think that they can walk right out across a four lane highway right in friggin front of you? It KILLS me that they do that and half the time they are practically walking under a pedestrian overpass! And they can't walk very fast or their pants will fall down! WTF is that about?!

  • mkr32208

    OH OH OH I forgot one! People on motorcycles "stuntin'" in traffic! THey should be arrested and be knee-capped then they should never be allowed to drive a motorcycle ever again in their lives!

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