Today at the meeting we got a gift from Jehovah!

by Albert Einstein 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Today at the meeting we were told by the CO, that we got a gift three months ago! The gift we got is the one more free evening weekly, because of the new meeting arrangement. This gift was given to us by Jehovah through Faithfull an discreet slave.

    But we must use the gift wisely - it not up to us how we use the gift ..... Jehovah wants us to have a home family study or to go to service on this evening.

    I was so thrilled to receive such a gift! And especially to being told what to do with the free evening! If I wasn´t told, I would be helpless......

    Are you also thrilled????


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Cancel the theocratic Thursday and Sunday Meetings and we will call it a perfect gift that keeps on giving!

  • Ri

    All part of the brainwashing...haha

  • Satanus

    'it not up to us how we use the gift'

    Yah, they let you out of the prison, but the ankle bracelet is still on. Reminds me of when some decisions were downgraded to being 'conscience matters'. They added, 'just because it's a conscience matter, it doesn't mean that you can do what you want'. Even as a dub, it jangled my mind.


  • alanv

    Why oh why do those in authority at the Watchtower say something is from Jehovah. The governing body say repeatedly that they are not inspired so why can't they simply say something honest like 'We think it would be a good idea if you used this extra time for personal study'. The reason is of course that witnesses may do something different that they think is important. You would never believe that when they finally get baptised they have to have their hand held for practically every thing that they do. Thank goodness I am out of it.

  • civicsi00

    Wow, a gift in the form of a "free" night! Don't you know there's no such thing as a "free lunch"? I learned that in Basic Economics. So get back to work! Use your gift in the service of Jehovah!

    Satanus, that used to bother me, too. I knew that, even though it was a conscience matter, you were still not free to do whatever it was. The guilt was still there.

  • Quandry

    Isn't it amazing how they can put a "spin" on anything to make it sound good?

    "Brother So and So lost his legs in an accident-isn't it great that now he can wear shorts to the meeting, and will never have to buy shoes again?"

    "The end has not come yet, isn't it great that we keep getting "new light" replacing the previous "new light" overturning the previous "new light" explaining the generation changes? And opposers say the meetings are stagnent and the same information!"

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Its interesting and some what trite when they tone down the bullshit that they have been feeding people and in return call that a blessing.

    But then again a lesser amount of bullshit might be perceived as a blessing after all.

    The Society's arrogance and aggressiveness seems to be waning of as late , I wonder why that is ?

  • Purza

    Isn't it amazing how they can put a "spin" on anything to make it sound good?

    "Brother So and So lost his legs in an accident-isn't it great that now he can wear shorts to the meeting, and will never have to buy shoes again?"

    Okay, this made me laugh until I cried. It is so damn true - the idiocy of their words and thought processes.


  • truthsetsonefree

    alanv, that would always bother me too. They always have to out some divine intervention in the mix. Can't just be people trying to get a job done. And why do they want to work JW's so darned hard? Wasn't Jesus' load supposed to be kindly, light and refreshing? I mean they'd get such better response if they just said "Hey, we are giving you this evening to take care of your family as you see fit. Catch up on time with your spouse or kids, get the kids' HW done, relax, whatever you need". That would be true mercy. And dubs would love their leadership more for it.


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