Today, an elder in my hall phoned and left a message saying he would stop by with a Memorial invitation.
This elder has never bothered to encourage me in the past when I was missing meetings, yet suddenly he remembers me in the run up to the Memorial.
I got to thinking about this - a few in our congregation called us when they found out we were inactive, encouraging us to go back to meetings. Or they would say, "it's the CO visit next week, you have to come listen to his talk."
I would give these "genuine ones" their due - they made an effort - but, when I think about it what effort have they actually made?
None at all! These are the same people who believe I will die at Armaggedon if I don't go back to meetings, yet by their actions they have proved either a) They really don't believe that or b) They just don't care enough.
We have never received an encouraging call from anyone inviting us back to their house for a meal or to see if they could help us or would we like to accompany them on a day out somewhere. It's always been get your ass back to the Kingdom Hall. They think that is a big effort on their part but it's really meaningless.
Have any of you here been invited out for a meal when you got the encouraging call to go back?