A very good video series on why the Jehovah's Witnesses are so illicitly corrupt of an organization

by Homerovah the Almighty 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel


    :Personally I think that home was just an established gimmick orchestrated by Rutherford to build and live in himself a home which was funded by the proceeds of the organization.

    The money to buy the land and build that home was privately donated, as was the money for the two outrageously expensive 16 cylinder Cadillacs that Rutherford enjoyed. It most likely came from William Heath, Senior, I believe. Same thing for Beth Shan. It was Heath Junior and Bonnie Boyd who lived in that one.

    The only other thing Rutherford needed was a cover story to justify the home, and Fred Franz was the man who concocted the whole resurrection of the ancients and the 1925 prediction for armageddon garbage.


  • oompa

    i remember watching that john ankerbug guy like 15-20 years ago...he creeped me out, but even though a dub...i liked what i heard.......oompa

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Interesting stuff. Did they really forge smallpox vaccination cards?

  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    Didn't just forge the cards, people would get burnt with acid to give them a scar. Joan Cetnar's mother had a scar around her leg because the Dr. spilt too much and the acid ran.

    I didn't get the privilege of meeting Bill, but Joan has been a great help to me.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Farkel , thanks for your input , I've read the possibility of the homes and land were donated to the organization by someone, I should have stated

    in my comment, that its my own speculation that Rutherford expressed his own dishonesty regarding the actual purpose and function

    of the home. Just exactly how did they come up with 1925 as being the important year of this supposed return, the information that they

    provided to reach that year is quite vague and weak. There is little doubt that Rutherford had some rich and well to do friends, the very expensive

    Cadillacs given to him as gifts and so forth. Another idea that crossed my mind I wonder if those folks that gave the homes and quite a bit of land

    over to the WTS. ( Deed and all ) did so , so they wouldn't have to pay land tax on the property, since the land deed was converted to a religious

    organization. ( $0.00 pay out ) ? In any case lets confirm the fact that Rutherford was a crooked shyster, a smart and dubious con man that

    played the role well in his favor and made good with it. He stereo typifies many of the religious con men that are even in operation today.

    First the coercion, then the exploitation, then comes the power and then at the end of it all the money. Religion truly is a racket after all.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yeah the small pox stuff is really weird, I don't think they mentioned anything about the no organ transplant policy that was later reversed.

    I don't know if anyone knows or not if Rutherford billed or charged the WTS. for legal services while he was the acting President of the

    organization ? Since he was their head lawyer at one time.

    You can certainly bet though that the lavish lifestyle that he lived with purposely put under cover by himself and his fellow cronies,

    out of the eyes of the flock, especially around the great depression when most people were worried about when their next meal was

    coming from.

  • Farkel


    :In any case lets confirm the fact that Rutherford was a crooked shyster, a smart and dubious con man

    I can do you one better than that! I don't know if you've seen this one before. I did it about 3 years ago.

    Nearly 17,000 thousand views on this link so far:

    Al Capone vs. Judge Rutherford


  • Elsewhere

    After watching that, all I can think about is Disco!

    Macho Macho Maaaaaaan.....

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yep, I saw that Farkel its a good one for sure.

    Quite a creepy SOB even in today's standards !

    He pulled the wool over peoples eyes in a very fashionable and discrete way, he may not quite match up to the modern religious

    crooks around now but he was certainly at the top of his game for his own time.

    The unseen god that this guy and many others like him bow down to of course is the Almighty dollar.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Elsewhere, I'm not sure that I'm catching corectly the Macho Macho man thing, could you elaborate a bit more,

    I get that the video was done in the 80's, but......?

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