Sooty and Jehovah

by Duncan 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Duncan

    A couple of years ago we took our youngest to see Sooty. Anyone from the UK will instantly know who I mean – Sooty is a little glove-puppet bear (?) who never speaks but has managed to turn himself, over the last 50 years or so, into a British national institution.

    Sooty has a couple of friends – Sweep the dog (always my favourite) and Soo – and various others who appear in his show. The host/puppeteer had changed over the years. Harry Corbett started the Sooty show in the 1950’s, his son Matthew took up the reins in 1980 or so, and these days he’s retired also, so it’s now someone else.

    The format of the show has remained unchanged over the decades.

    “What’s that you say, Sooty?” [glove puppet “whispers” in hosts ear]

    “You want the children to sing a song?” [whispers again]

    “Then you’ll do some magic with your magic wand?”

    “Okay boys and girls, altogether now…”

    This simple and timeless act has sustained a decades-long career on TV, radio, comic books, and live theatre shows, with all the spin-off merchandising that goes with it.

    Anyway, we recently took our little girl to see The Sooty Show at the local Palace Theatre. Like me at her age, she was entranced with Sooty. Four-year-old kids really enter into the spirit of the thing: she sang along, she laughed at the funny bits, she called out “look behind you!” at all the appropriate times, it was great.

    Driving home, she was still excitedly talking about all the funny stuff Sooty had done. It was clear that to her Sooty, while on our objective adult level simply a few inanimate bits of furry cloth sewn together, was a real personality

    I know, I know – it’s not much of a penetrating insight, this. The fact is, little kids are wholly taken in by the glove-puppet illusion; the character looks real to them, every bit as real as the performer. More real, even. The star of the show for my daughter had been Sooty, not Matthew the performer.


    Now, consider your typical dub. (Me, I’m thinking of my utterly faithful, 40-years-in mother).

    You have these “performers” who get up in front of them and say:

    “Devote your life to selling our books!” - who would ever fall for such a thing?

    Aaah! But here’s the trick. THEY don’t say it. It’s their “Jehovah” glove-puppet who says it.

    “Go out in service – it’s what JEHOVAH wants”

    “Be at every day of the assembly – that's what JEHOVAH requires!”

    “Don’t celebrate Christmas – JEHOVAH wouldn’t like it!”

    Anytime the WTS wants to compel a specific behaviour, or compliance, they just wiggle their glove-puppet, and the faithful dub is instantly entranced. They have no idea that they are doing the bidding of men, they believe they’re pleasing God. And who wouldn’t want to do that?

    I have tried talking to my mum about things. Stuff I have learned over the last couple of years about how badly the Watchtower’s leadership have behaved over the years.

    “Mum, look at the 1975 fiasco, look at the failed prophecy, the UN scandal. Look at…”

    “Oh, Duncan. I don’t care what you say. I am going to remain FAITHFUL TO JEHOVAH!”

    You know how in bullfights, they say the bull doesn’t gore the matador because it is wholly distracted by and enraged by the cape, and spends its entire energy going after that, rather than the cape’s wielder? It’s like that.

    I’m not for a minute here saying that the general idea of God is an illusion. I’m pretty much agnostic on that – I don’t know.

    But I do know for sure that this Jehovah character, with all his “requirements” and “standards” and “commands” IS - absolutely and completely – a cynically-contrived, utterly useful, wholly artificial glove-puppet creation of Brooklyn.

    It’s waking up from the glove-puppet illusion that causes so much post-Watchtower rage.

    “How could I have been so stupid as to give up my job? Waste my life? Let my child

    Izzy-wizzy. That old Sooty magic is powerful stuff.


  • Tammie

    So true about them JW's. My mom the same way.

    The truth can never be hurt by a lie,
    but a lie can be exposed by the truth.

  • Scorpion

    Interesting analogy. I enjoyed this Duncan.

  • Thirdson

    Thanks Duncan for the post and the memories. I had Sooty and Sweep glove puppets when I was a kid. I also have a 40+ years of service mother who is just like yours and I have mentioned all those things you have. Sooty is one powerful character.

    "What's that Sooty? You're going to wave your magic wand and kill all the bad people? And if we don't want to be killed we have to sell little Sooty books for the rest of our live? We'd better get busy then!"


    Duncan, where abouts in the UK are you located?

    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Simon

    You mean all this time Jehovah was actually in our midst masquerading as sooty?! My god, that Mr Corbet was taking a risk what he was doing with his hand...

  • AlanF

    Excellent comments, Duncan. I will add, though, that in my experience almost all of the leaders have fully or almost fully bought into their own illusion. That's what makes them so dangerous.

    I was recently given some notes taken at a recent elders' school in the U.S. I was amazed to find that all of the speakers, including a prominent member of the main Watchtower corporation, seemed to fully buy into the illusion. One would think that long years of subservience to unethical Governing Body members would convince them of the truth, but such is not the case.

    How does one explain this? I don't know for sure, but imagine the Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain, buying into his own illusion. His thoughts become the Wizard's, and he cannot distinguish his own from his mental image of what the Wizard's should be.

    I think that in a similar way, Watchtower leaders have gradually bought into the illusion that they speak for God. Because Jehovah himself never speaks directly, but only 'speaks' through them, they have gradually become unable to see any difference between their own thoughts and those they attribute to God.

    This is another manifestation of the Orwellian mindset, the "doublethink" that allows someone to simultaneously believe mutually contradictory things, and not perceive that anything is wrong.


  • Abaddon

    It's a good analogy.

    I actually find the fact the upper echelons are 'believers' encouraging. I'd rather be taken in by sincerity than deliberately decieved.

    I think, just as we practised thought stopping techniques and struggled with cognotive dissonance, so do the upper orders.

    If anything, they have greater subconcious compulsion to retain their worldview; rank and file Witnesses have to have some form of job.

    Anyone who is a CO or higher is totally dependant, and the fact that if they leave they will have to start from stratch (like Ray Franz did), even more than a rank and file Witness, adds to the fear of rocking the boat. The fears get squashed, even if this is by dint of, essentially, not thinking about it, as distinct from resolving the root of the fear.

    And of course I am sure they get involved in the debate of the 'greater good', which is normally doing something you know is bad and justifying it.

    Not that I really feel sorry for the bastards.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • ashitaka

    Exactly. 'Jehovah' becomes the equivalent of a moral battering ram. One word can get people to do what you want-so true.

    cool post.


  • Prisca

    Good analogy Duncan. Thanks.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You are SO right on, Duncan!

    Is a glove-puppet the same as what we in the USA call a 'sock-puppet" (it is literally made from a sock -usually a white athletic sock)?

    I put the sock puppet before all jehovah sock puppets.


    By the way, now that his career at has hit the skids, my hero has decided to continue his education:

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