Please help me with an educated response to this JW email .....

by troubled mind 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind


    the sender is my JW in laws and I will at least send educational information back to them . You never know what will jump start a brain cell .

  • sinis

    Indicates that EPO therapy has been around for a couple of decades, and the concept of Fe therapy even longer. This is not a new idea, and doctors would have known about it if it was a viable alternative - JW's are not "god sends".

    Takes up to a week or longer for RBC count to come up - more than a matter of a day or days.

  • jwfacts

    I expect this is an urban legend, or at least embellished. Not to say that the procedure would not work, but the way it is written has the characteristics of an urban legend. For instance the line "The brothers propose a fourth day of EPO and the count rises." Doctors do not operate under the instruction of the HLC who are not trained medical staff, they would have obtained research into the procedure and made their own decision as to how many days EPO should continue.

    Also I doubt Bethel is in the business of importing and distributing EPO, or would have supplied the hospital. EPO is a standard product used in several medical procedure that the hospital would have access to itself.

  • Farkel

    :The funniest thing was that the window washer, non educated brothers, provided this advice to highly trained medical professionals.... Yea right...

    Those were exactly my thoughts when I read this. If dubs really wanted to be fair, why don't they put up a "T" chart? On the left, all the dubs who were supposed to have blood transfusions, but didn't, and still lived. On the right, all the dubs who were supposed to have blood transfusions, but didn't and died. And just as a control device, start another "T" chart with on the left, all the dubs who were told not to have blood transfusions, but did anyway and lived. One the right all the dubs who were told not to have blood transfusions but did anyway, yet still died.

    That should put the whole matter to rest. A few exceptions here and there don't vindicate "God's (nonexsistent) Blood Transfusion Law(tm)" one whit.


  • BizzyBee

    Oh, cripes, Farkel! There you go again, using logic! You well know that logic is a tool of Satan the Devil!

  • wobble

    As usual the Dubs will lap this up without thinking,or doing any research.for instance there is an increased danger,by some 50%!,of thrombosis where EPO is administered.In premature babies there is an increased risk of Retinopathy of Prematurity which can cause blindness,did these so knowledgeable Dubs tell the parents this? and ask the Doctors to weigh these risks in their decision making?

    My fear is that Dubs will start insisting on EPO where it is not needed,or the risk is too great,feeling that the Doctors are witholding it out of ignorance or predjudice.what nonsense,research into EPO started in 1906,and Doctors,who usually understand all available procedures, do try to do their very best for their patients,even if those patients belong to an ignorant mind twisted cult.



  • LouBelle

    If you wanted you could actually contact all hospitals in Baudril and see IF this did indeed take place - a bit of a schlep yes but it would be worth it.

    It makes my blood boil that when one thing goes right with their refusal of blood they celebrate it and all that shit BUT when those in control refused simple vacinations and children died and then changed their minds 5 years later not even a fucking apology!

    THEY SICKEN ME!!!!!!!!!!

  • dozy

    EPO still seems to be a controversial treatment for premature babies – naturally not too many parents are keen for their children to be used as guinea pigs. Ironically it was EPO that helped the twins in the Rachel Underhill case who went on to be very much a JW critic.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    What bothers me about emails such as this is that most witnesses will read it and do no further research for themselves .Then when some medical issue arises they will feel all confident to tell their doctor how to do his job .

    It makes my blood boil because the society gives no further medical information such as the possible complications EPO can have . Witnesses just assume it is the miracle drug made for any situation when low blood count is involved and this is just NOT the case . It definitely has it's place and is a great advancement in medicine (the HLC did not come up with it -sheeeez)

    I have had the experience of being with two family members on different occasions during heart surgery consults . My elderly mother had a lower blood count going into surgery and she insisted to the doctor that he should give her EPO . He tried to explain to her yes this is an option however because of her diabetes and age the increase for stroke went up excessively . She acted as if he has trying to trick her or something . The brothers you know always are there for our best interest and if they say this works it must .BLAH She ended up taking EPO and suffering a major brainstem stroke the night of surgery. (She survived ,but she was never the same )

    The other relative went in and acted so cocky as to her refusal of blood (I was embarrassed) She acted as if the doctor was out to trick her into accepting a transfusion or something .

  • troubled mind

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