"mass exodus coming up in August 2009".

by hubert 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Incognito

    I have listened to the conference call at Six Screens and I believe Six Screens owner, Rick Fearon is not predicting a mass exodus, but is trying to get one going.

    I don’t know where Fearon is getting his numbers from, but he seems to feel that 2.5 million still active Witnesses no longer believe the WT’s drivel and attend only for other reasons including fear or family conformity. He seems to believe that some of these non-believing ‘fence-sitters’ are regularly listening in on his conference site although not necessarily participating. I gather he is attempting to get these off the fence and publicly show that they no longer ‘buy-in’ to the WT message.

    He seems to propose DAing as the strongest statement. If there are enough that DA at the same time, this sends an obvious statement to WT and is something both the WT and JW Rank & File cannot ignore. He has proposed the end of the WT fiscal year as the date when this ‘mass exodus’ occurs.

    I think Faron realizes that not all will DA & walk out so he seems to have proposed alternate suggestions as to ways that will make a statement (ie: No Service Time, No $ Donations, etc). This way, those not wanting to yet DA, may participate and make a statement without drawing attention and endanger their family relationships. Subsequent published reports from WT should hopefully show a noticeable bloop in August 2009.

    Although some will look at this and say it is a waste of time, I think Fearon suggests that doing something is better than nothing. Complaing will do nothing so he has advanced an idea that he feels will at least 'leave a mark' on the WT.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I hate people that put up threads that are disingenuous, shit haven't you people had enough of that kind of social interaction

    with people out of the Kingdom Halls. Get real or get lost

    If Rick Ferron thinks that he's an delusional nut-case.

    He's been so vehemently trying to get back at that the WTS. for kicked him out now, he's starting to lose some mental cohesiveness

    and emotional balance.

  • the research lady
    the research lady

    Rick Fearon is not upset that the Watchtower org. disfellowshipped him. He is glad that Satan kicked him out of his organization. Rick is not making some ironclad prediction that the "mass exodus" will happen. He is just giving suggestions for those who have "one foot in and one foot out" to all make their exit at the same time. This would send an important message to the org. As he mentioned on the conference call, there seems to be a new breed of Witnesses, known as the "conscious class". They are now aware of what's going on behind the "curtains" of the Watchtower. Their either masks are now off. Upwards of two and a half million Jehovah's Witnesses are not sleeping at night. We could say that one out of three active Witnesses no longer believe that the org. is the truth. If these ones could unite in an effort to all leave at the same time, it could be the "magic bullet" to collapse the Watchtower org.

  • isaacaustin

    I think Rick has a very valid point about the number of fence sitters. I think also that another breed of JWs exists which is drones who do not know any history of the org, have any Bible knowledge and simply can not defend any org doctrines. They simply follow what the org currently tells them to do. This is probably due to the dumbed down nature of the org...the tightening of the reins and fear of apostasy- due in large oart to the orgs older lit and claims available online, which 20 years ago was not the case. JWs used to be bolder and more outspoken...less afraid of debates.

    Rick is not perfect...I don't see where he claimed to be. I think some of his statements are far-fetched...others seem plausible. Like many things in this world we can not say he is all bad or not to be trusted. I would think that some active JWs do listen to his conf calls. Why not? It is anon.

  • isaacaustin

    I do have one question regarding Rick Fearon- DOes he believe in 2 classes of Christians? I had once heard him make a statement regaridng being one of 'the annointed' and had difficulty in discerning whether he was speaking of how he used to beleive or how he currently beleives. Pls verofy for me.

  • cameo-d

    Rick Fearon is not upset that the Watchtower org. disfellowshipped him. He is glad that Satan kicked him out of his organization.

    So it wasn't a logical rational decision that he himself made?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Exiters of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses take all forms. Rick has his style. Others have different styles.

    In the long run, there will be no single 'stategy' that will topple this behemoth organization. I doubt that Rick's approach will work with any significance. But I am glad to see that those with enough fire in their bellies are still trying.

    Personally, I believe that the current efforts to de-centralize the cult, hence insulating the central organization from attack by pedophile lawyers and others, may be a greater part of the undoing than anything that has been done from the outside. But only time will tell.


  • StAnn

    I'd like to know where he comes up with his statistics. 2.5 million fence sitters?

    Also, although I do believe it will make an impact on Brooklyn if 2.5 million people walk out at once, I don't think it will make that big of an impact on the local congs. because there will probably be very few people in each cong. who participate, not exactly shock and awe. I doubt that Brooklyn will tell the r&f what's going on worldwide, so they may never know about the "mass exodus." These people need more than cyber support to walk out. They would need to have flesh and blood people by their sides, holding their hands, walking out with them.

    I do, however, believe that ceasing all monetary support would be a great way to make a point. Perhaps people could use the "fake" money on V's website. Then not only would there be a decrease in contributions but there would be a visual statement as to why the contributions have dropped.


  • d.boon

    Yes there are two different classes of Christians. Those who make YouTube videos and those who don't.

  • isaacaustin

    I agree- a mass exodus would not effect the diehards, except to reinforce to them that they have the truth and that the end is near. It would hurt the corp.

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