"We missed you at the meeting"

by tresdecu 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    every time i hear that cheap phrase
    i comment thusly: miss me? you MISS me?
    well i have the same address and phone number
    that i had all 10 years you came to book study at
    my home.... hasnt changed in 20 yrs....

    point to be made... we obviously dont miss them...
    and i would never mislead them by saying so...!!

  • The Missus
    The Missus
    One day in FS, an elder said to another elder, 'Let's go by and visit them.

    um yah - that's another thing that irritates me. If you are going to get a visit because you were "missed" at the meetings, 99% chance the visit is going to come while the brother/sister is in field service or making shepherding calls. They usually will not take from their free time just to stop by and see how you are doing.

  • tresdecu

    The Missus - I 100% agree...it blew me away when I got a visit from an elder to deliver my KM...Deliver my KM, are you kidding me, we still have 2 weks till it starts! He was all dressed up at 11:20 on a rainy saturday morning. He had the typical 'why aren't you out in service smirk' as he handed it to me. Bet he was between calls and the coffee shop, still on the clock.

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