How Many Temples Did Solomon Build?

by cameo-d 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Did WT studies ever get into that?

    Since the bible mentions that he built other temples for other gods, does it stand to reason that he had any particular devotion to Yahweh?

    Which gods were the other temples built for?

    How many temples did Solomon build?

  • only me
    only me

    Solomon worshipped Ashtoreth/ Astarte and Milcom/Molech.

    1Kings 11:5

    It has been said that the Song of Solomon was written as a tribute to Ashtoreth.

    There were probably others. I have no idea how many temples he built.

  • mkr32208

    I vote for none. He was a poor king in a poor nation who later was made rich and powerful through the wet dreams of rabbinical scholars... It's all a bunch of crap. If you do the math you can see for yourself that whoever wrote that crap was a liar and an idiot. Thirty thousand men working in shifts around the clock? More gold donated than is believed to have been mined in TOTAL in the entire history of the world? Thousands and thousands of cedar trees. Then to cap it off they sacrifice what 100k animals in a week? This story ranks up there with Noah when you start breaking it down. It's just sooooo dumb...

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Well...He had 700 wives and 256 concubine sooo...

  • cameo-d

    Thirty thousand men working in shifts around the clock? More gold donated than is believed to have been mined in TOTAL in the entire history of the world?

    Perhaps this is why all the stories about Solomon consorting with demons and having the power to enslave the demons.

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