How do you get rid of mice in the walls?

by rebel8 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    Bang on the wall and MEOW like a big cat. That should scare them.

  • betterdaze

    rebel8, those aren't mice.

    They're DEEEMUNZ!

    But that's what you get for streaking through the Kingdom Hall parking lot. ;–)


  • hubert

    Rebel, I assume you have "indoor" house cats.

    You probably need a cat that stays outdoors. In my old house, we've had at different times...mice, squirrels, bats. Squirrels are the worse. I hope that's not what you have.

    Which reminds me...I ran over a male squirrel last week.


  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    Hubert, you got out of your car and checked it's sex? Why?


  • rebel8

    I used to let her outside but she brought her friends inside--chipmunks, mice, you name it! She can catch anything but she likes to keep them alive to play.

    I suppose it could be demons. I will perform a little exorcism by reading the NWT online and singing, "We're Jehovah's Witnesses", drinking some assembly Shasta, then doing a drama-clap. I will put on my prariewear. That should do it.

  • hubert

    Blithe said....."

    Hubert, you got out of your car and checked it's sex? Why?

    No, I heard his nuts crack. Ha !! Got ya !!


  • BurnTheShips


    Of course then they die and it stinks. I had rats at my old place. They stunk something terrible.


  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    Be glad it's only mice. I have not found any one thing to work with the mice. I have started encouraging hawks.

    I have bats in the attic, mice every fall upstairs , downstairs and in the walls, chipmunks in walls & garage, racoons, bears, red ,gray & flying squirrels at the bird feeders, bears on the deck at the grill, bears digging the sand mound, bears ripping out septic vents, deer poo everywere ( the dog loves it) they eat everything I plant & silk flowers,turkeys scratching up the yard,opossum knocking things over in the night and critters building things under the hood of my car.

    The worst is keeping the peace between a daughter and her havaheart traps trying to rescue all the wee little creatures and a husband who is determined to fill our freezer with all the neighborhood visitors so I can save money on food. Did anyone else when leaving the witnesses and taking up the celebration of holidays have to debate if we should celebrate groundhog day by roasting a large stuffed groundhog? Sorry for the rant.


  • mkr32208

    Have you seen any demonic mouse semen? Thats a dead giveaway...

    Maybe cram your walls full of snakes?

  • musky

    Peanut butter on a snapper trap always works good. I think they make a poison that won't let the mouse stink when it dies. Mice can get in anywhere. from the roof vents to clothes dryer vents, between foundation and flooring. Put a "no vacancy" sign outside.One of those cool neon ones.That should help.One time, I saw one in the toilet. Must have found an area of dry land. Looked at me like, "what's your problem. Haven't you ever seen a mouse just relaxing, sitting inside a toilet?" I couldn't figure out how the little guy got in there though. Maybe did a triple front flip off the counter ledge from above? Probably thought he was pretty cool taking a late night swim when everybody was sleeping.Until he realized he couldn't get out.

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