What do Elders tell Circuit Overseer's about inactive members during their visit?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    The 2 day assembly is this weekend for our congregation. The Elders pretty much leave me alone during the year but when the Circuit Overseer is in town, they start hounding me. I try to make it one day but can't tolerate 2 days of the assembly. Usually they pay me a visit at my home. Depending on my mood,I let them in and tell them I know what I need to do to make more meetings or have my wife tell them I'm not home. They even call me the night before to see if I'll make the assembly..........( I have caller I.D. but sometimes my kids pick up phone by mistake)

    What do Elders say about me to the C.O.? What words do they use to discribe me?

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    They describe you as being"taken over by Satan"...

    Not reading JW literature anymore....


    african GB member

  • oompa

    as little as possible.......oompa

  • Priest73

    f*ck off. any more questions?

  • blondie

    It all depends on what you have told them in the past. If it makes the elders look like they aren't doing their job, they will smooth it over. They will find some reason to blame it on you but not enough to get them into hot water. It also depends on your status when you stopped going. Ex-elders have more important than a single sister.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I speak from experience when I say ex-elders are intimidating to present elders because they have the smile of freedom on their faces and the active elders look like their dog was just shot. They can't fathom the peace of mind of those who have walked. They gnash their teeth. W.Once

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I no longer let them inside my house, even so-called friends that are still elders. If I bother, I go outside and talk to them.

    As to what they say to the CO... it really depends on how gung-ho the CO is and how much the CO enjoys golf. More golf, more green handshakes, less that needs to be said.

    It is true....I didn't play golf with the CO during the last visit I was an elder, I was deleted the same week. True story. PO and Service Overseer took the CO out for a round or two... and during the previous CO visit (same CO) the SO had to admit he looked at porn and still got to remain an elder and pioneer....cause he took the CO golfing..... no kidding... (**despite there still being an hour left on the calendar today, this is not an April Fool story).

    Golf really does make the world go around...even in Watchtowerland.

    Snakes ()

  • passwordprotected

    The secretary will keep a record of low hour/irregular publishers. This list will get discussed in the preliminary meetings to the CO arriving. He may even keep a 'shepherding log' whereby all the elders let him know when they've 'shepherded' their part of the flock. If you're on these lists, the elders will want to tick some boxes ahead of the CO arriving so that all the records look good.

    Sorry, strike all of that. The visit is out of love for you.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    in my cong. nothing.

    In fact when me and my wife moved there, we got offers to study. Mind u all of these were elderley so I was polite. The elders there so don"t give a shit


    Cannot imagine that he would be all that interested unless your history is juicy and then he will want all the details - all he really wants to do is hang around the elite in the congregation...

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