Back after a long spell -new name for a new site

by wozza 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • wozza

    Hi all nice to be back ,was known as woza dummy but lost my password etc . Had lots of changes in my life since being here last. My wife left me who I had been helping thru years of turmoil fighting the society and its cruel ways. Its complicated but I wish her the best and hope she finds peace in the end ,it's horrible what the societies denial of sexual abuse in their ranks does to people and their lives .

    Anyhow I've restarted my life now and met a lovely lady and things are real good now .

    Thought of you all here after I had a call by two JW elders only the other day and remembered the fine help I got here and the opening of my eyes to the lies of the WTS. Well they came on a mission as expected because I had been seen by many JW's with my new partner and you know how the elders think they are on a mission from god haha.

    They put it to me that I can come back to the KH but of course you know what that means ,I'd be lucky to see anything but he back room as I get shepherded away fro the brothers. to shorten the story one of the elders was one who studied with me 30 years ago ,you know the sort big painful eyes to get my sympathy (how could I leave jehovah?) .Well I gave them plenty of reasons to leave the org and pointed to the hypocrisy etc

    Of course there was the denials and "that can't be true,and I've never heard of this ,and how did you know bro such and such is going to jail for molesting his daughters?"

    Well they got told straight with my partner listening in ( she could'nt believe the BS from this cult and it's reps), then they tell me I have to put it into writing that I want to leave the Org. well I had'nt heard this before and told them that I did not have to sign an agreement to be baptised so why would I sign one to leave . That would mean that I still saw that they had authority over me !!

    Well they got really frustrated and repeated what they said and so did I ,so they left and as far as I know they would have DF'd me some time last week. Any how nice to be back and look forward to catching up on the gossip


  • poppers

    Let me be the first to welcome you back.

  • chickpea

    happy for you on so many levels!

    nice response to "you must put it in writing"

  • cameo-d

    Hi Wozza. I remember you and your avatar.

    " then they tell me I have to put it into writing that I want to leave the Org. well I had'nt heard this before and told them that I did not have to sign an agreement to be baptised so why would I sign one to leave "

    Isn't it really deceptive that you are not given full disclosure that you have sold your soul to a corporation that demands a buy-back in writing!!!


  • penny2

    Hi Steve, good to have you back! Glad your life is going well. I'm sure having a new partner would do a lot in helping to put the jw issues behind you.

    and told them that I did not have to sign an agreement to be baptised so why would I sign one to leave

    That's straight thinking! I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when you said that.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    Good job of setting them straight. I did sign a DA letter myself. But that is just me. My mind is so much more open now, and had they waited a couple more years to corner me, I would likely have told them to shove it straight up their arses. I loved you reply about saying you didn't sign anything coming in, so why on the way out?

    Welcome back.


  • purplesofa

    Thanks for sharing your story,


  • wozza

    Thanks for welcoming me back ,I feel I'm back amongst old friends .When I spoke to those elders it really was like talking to a wall ,it was funny when one of them asked how I knew about one of the flock here being charged with molesting (the molester was an elder once) and it was shocking for him to find out that an elderly pioneer sister told me initially and then it was confirmed to me by one of the other elders on thier body!

    As far as I know he is in jail now and they are still protecting him. As far as my ex's family are concerned they think her father got away with it but they are so stupid really, as they've lost a beautiful person in thier daughter and sister. I hope he lives the rest of his life in a mentally tormented state the gutless jehovahs Witness.

    Anyhow here's to looking forward to 2014 and the embarrassment this will cause to the governing body failures.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It is odd how many who are serving as elders get the impression that u just simply have to do what they tell u. I forget about the control sometimes until I hear stories like this

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    You aint no dummy any more! Welcome back. W.Once

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