They will just keep on reinstating, they are desperate to keep their numbers up!
How many TIMES can a JW be DF'd before the ELDERS dismiss them PERMANENTLY?
by african GB Member 39 Replies latest jw friends
ya..she is on her knees in those JC meetings...but prob not crying.......maybe things are diff over ex was df 3 times and reproved 3....and i thought that was the record in the usa.....damm she was hot.......still miss her!............oompa
I have great pleasure in reminding them how many times they have been given the boot whenever they get preachy with me They are both in their 50's now so maybe they have learned how to follow the JW rules and regulations since neither of them can seem to stay away from the cult, LOL
Mickey mouse
Depends what it's for. "A sin of the flesh"? No limit. Apostasy? One strike and you're out. That one is hard to come back from.
ex-nj-jw....yes that must be fun to remind them of :) How long were they out each time?
I don't remember for each time. I do remember once when one of them was out for about two years. They never stopped coming to meetings though. Sitting in the back looking stupid each and every time.
I only remember that time because this particular brother would always take me to the city to the museum, parks and street festivals. I was pissed cause my parents wouldn't let me go with him cause he was df'd and we were not supposed to talk to him.
The other times as I got older I really didin't care because I wasn't a JW then so it didn't matter.
my question would be....... Who gets busted that many times or tells on themselves that many times?
i am sure if i went and told on myself everytime i got drunk, watched porn, had a once a year smoke, some self righteous elders would Df me after a while, but again, why should they ever know?
i could see a how at a moment of weakness and guilt you MIGHT feel the need to 'fess up, or you might get roped into it if your partner in crime already confessed (although you could simply refuse to comment on the situation)...... but 3+ times?
no more kool aid
I've often wondered that myself. I know a few that have been in and out so many times you can't keep track. My mother keeps reminding me that even so in so is coming back. It is not exactly an encouragement to me that even the lowest common denominator is coming back. I can only assume she is horny and stupid. (not my mother, the one that's going back to the hall)
This is a weird question.
I know that when you get DF'd for the same thing over and over, it takes YEARS to get back in. Ten times? For the same "sin"? That's weird.
LOL wow that is a bunch of disf'ing and reinstatment. I'm with Oompa, that gal is on her knees for sure and probably is passing out sex freeling to those elder dudes. Idiot woman she must be one messed up gal. LOL
It doesn't take years for reinstatement for adultry necessarily it is up to the elders in the congregation the individual is in. Or at least that is what my ex-husband who was an elder for years told me when he and I were together.