Growing up a dub - favourite day of the week?

by Mickey mouse 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    Wed. was the best. Mondays were ok, but Little house was on Wed. , and so was soccer practice (from 8-11yo) and sometimes we got to go to the library. Fridays I had my 'study' with one of the 3 young women who studied with me (coming from a divided household and a mom who wasn't baptised till my early teens). I liked my study, it was nice to feel like I had a friend (isolated at school, few other JWs).

    I admit, I was a geek, and I kind of liked meetings, but they messed with my Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley:) When I was older, we would watch 3's company, much to the chagrin of my mom. That's probably what ruined me. Or Laverne:))

  • mamochan13

    Interesting question. I don't remember a favourite day. I do remember hating Fridays because that was the service meeting and it was also the night all the good shows were on TV that we had to miss.

    Blondie - sounds like your dad planted the seeds that ultimately saved you. I think that was true of me too.

  • Kudra

    Definitely NOT Thursdays.

  • BizzyBee

    Sunday evening, after the meeting, through Monday and Tuesday (with only a one hour bookstudy) were as good as it got. Week-ends should have been fun - no school - but that was when dub activities intensified.

    What a miserable way to live.

  • redking

    I think it all depends on the times you had your meetings. If you had meeting early sunday morning it wouldn't be so bad because at least you had it out the way and the rest of the day ahead of you. You could do something fun and then have school on monday, and i didn't have my meetings until tuesday so mondays weren't so bad. If you had evening meetings on Sunday it is the worst thing EVER!!!! You cannot do anything because you have the meeting at night and all day you are dreading the time when the meeting will come. And then afterwards you have to go home just to do your homework and wake up early for school. Wednesdays were good because no meeting and the week was almost over. Thursdays sucked because not only did you have to go to the meeting but the bookstudy you were in didnt have any of your friends in it so it was a waste. Fridays were a day to relax until the weekend of activity, whether it would be theocratic or recreational.

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