I just discovered the most awesomeest stuff in a bottle!

by John Doe 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I didn't read the bottle. I tried the stuff and it tasted too much like the crud that grows in the bottom of aquariums, so I know it ain't toothpaste.

  • abbagail

    I thought you were gonna say that Preparation H now comes in a bottle.

    That reminded me: A few nights ago Jay Leno had "Gag Gifts for April Fool's" and one item was a tube of "Jalapeno flavored" Preparation H. lol.

    Now, if they can just find some way to get toothpaste and deoderant in that bottle, they'll really have something.
    You just misread the bottle Doe, it's all in there. Go ahead, brush your teeth with it.

    Dr. Bronner's Castille Soaps have 18-in-1 uses, just about everything that has been described above and more, sans the Jack Daniels... http://www.drbronner.com/DBMS/LS.htm

    Dr. Bronner recorded the "18 in 1 uses" on his label, which we have left mostly intact since his passing in 1997; however, people have told us many, many more uses for it than that. Here is his version...
    Dr. Bronner's version:

      Always dilute for Shave-Shampoo-Massage-Dental Soap-Bath!
      Peppermint is nature's own unsurpassed fragrant Deodorant!
      A drop is best Mint Toothpaste; brushes Dentures Clean!
      A dash in water is the ideal Breath Freshener & Mouth Wash!
      Peppermint Oil Soap for Dispensers, Uniforms, Baby, Beach!
      Dilute for ideal After Shave, Body Rub, Foot Bath, Douche.
      Hot Towel-Massage the entire body, always towards your heart.
      Pets, silk, wool & body tingles head to toe - keeps cool!
      3 dashes in water rinse most Sprays Off fruit & vegetables!
      1/4 oz in qt H2O is Pest Spray! Dash, no rash Diaper-Soap!

    Loofa Away!

  • restrangled

    Damn, JD.....

    I thought you were going to say Laundry Detergent.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Everyone knows laundry detergent comes in boxes!

  • restrangled

    Sorry JD...the better stuff comes in bottles.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Abbagail, if that stuff is cheap, I'm gonna half to try some! This Pert stuff was $2 for a big bottle. I bought a new stick of deoderant a couple of days ago as well. I smell good!

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