What Ninja said.
Once they've succeeded in gather evidence against you, usually in the form of statements made under 'ecclesiastically privileged' scenarios (i.e. 'shepherding calls'), they remorseless boot you out, believing that you will have your eyes pecked out by carrion birds during Armageddon.
They then make an announcement from the platform that puts you on the same level as an adulterer, fornicator, drug abuser or pedophile (although usually there are no judicial charges made against pedophiles). From that moment on your friends and family are forbidden to speak to you. Ever again.
No one in your old congregation is likely to ever know all of the facts of your 'judicial case', so you're subject to slander, gossip, ridicule and reviling. With imputinty.
The couple in question in this case are routinely shunned - to their face with bald brazeness - by formerly-close family members. Daily. This has had enormous psycholigical effects on their children, and on them. This abuse is called 'relational agression' and is a form of bullying.
What have this couple done to deserve such a judgement and punishment? Disagreeing with 'mother'. Not with the Bible or God.
So, while I wouldn't put online any of the audio I have of my discussions with the local elders, I can fully understand the cathartic need to let people hear the unjust treatment, bare-faced lies and open hypocrisy experienced and demonstrated in this particular case.